On the same day that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, pointed out before the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg that “the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) by the Popular Party” is “a case of lawfare”, The Junts parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies has revealed that it registered a modification of the organic law of the Judiciary so that members with expired mandates immediately cease their functions.

The group led by Míriam Nogueras proposes a legal change so that the members of the Judiciary leave their functions when their mandate expires so that the current situation is not repeated in the future. The mandate of the governing body of judges has expired for five years.

“We propose this reform as a mechanism to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of Catalans from the collusion between the Spanish right, which has been persecuting us for years, and that part of the judiciary that identifies with it,” points out Carles’ formation. Puigdemont in a statement. It was the deputy Josep Pagès who registered the reform proposal last week.

It so happens that the president of the Supreme Court, Francisco Marín Castán, has suspended a few hours before the meeting he had planned with the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, for noon today, alleging “supervening” reasons after the criticism expressed in the Congress of Deputies and the Senate to some judges by Junts parliamentarians.

Beyond the circumstances already mentioned, in recent days the possibility of Sánchez and the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, meeting in the coming weeks to address the renewal of the Judiciary has been considered, although the starting positions They are totally remote and it does not seem feasible for the mess to be unraveled today. The popular ones demand to modify the law beforehand.