Together for Catalonia demands from the Government, the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, an investment package of 500 million euros to alleviate the effects of the drought affecting Catalonia. These measures proposed by JxCat will be addressed in the process of the alternative law proposal to the decree approved by the Catalan Executive a few weeks ago thanks to the abstention of several groups in the House.

In the formation of Jordi Turull they are committed to taking advantage of European funds to undertake urgent investments in various infrastructures. It is expected that the alternative text of Junts, which is being processed in this plenary session on the fast track, can be approved next Thursday afternoon with the support of Esquerra and PSC.

Thus, Junts pleads for 13 specific investments: The expansion of the Tordera desalination plant; a new desalination plant in the Cubelles area; execute urgently and with priority the investments already contemplated in the budgets of the Generalitat: expansion of the Besòs drinking water treatment station and construction of a new water regeneration station in Besòs; expand the treatment of reverse omosis in the Pous de les Estrelles; guarantee the treatment of the groundwater flow in Sant Joan Despí; the unfolding of section 4 of the PTT-EDT 2 artery to avoid water leaks of 3 cubic hectometres per year; adaptation of the production capacity of the Aïgues Ter Llobregat plant in Abrea, to the drinking water treatment plant; adaptation of the production capacity of the Aïgues Ter Llobregat plant to the Cardedeu drinking water treatment plant; expand the Sant Feliu de Llobrega water regeneration station; extension of the biological of the wastewater treatment plant in El Prat de Llobregat to reduce nutrients, increase by more than 2 cubic meters per second reverse osmosis in the drinking water treatment station in Sant Joan Despí, new wells of up to 4 cubic meters per second; and, finally, a distribution network for the Sabadell water regeneration station, for municipal and other uses in Sabadell, Cerdanyola del Vallès and Sant Cugat del Vallès.