The president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, today assumed that there will be an agreement to draft an amnesty law, and has indicated that this pact is already part of the agreements that facilitated the socialist Francina Armengol being the president of Congress. In these agreements, he explained, “it was specified that all forms of repression had to be put to an end with all necessary legal measures.”

At the doors of Congress, and before the plenary session began where for the first time it was possible to speak in Catalan, Basque and Galician, Junqueras explained that he is convinced that “among the legal measures that are necessary to put an end to the repression includes amnesty”. Insisting on this idea, he has indicated: “If the agreement currently existing includes the amnesty, it is evident that the agreement must include this amnesty.”

For the Republican leader, this legal framework that is on the table must include “all those who have been unjustly persecuted for having done something that was in no way a crime.” He has thus specified that calling and holding a referendum is not a crime because “it is not included in the Penal Code.” Likewise, he has asked the PSOE not to take the negotiation to the limit.

Regarding the hypothesis that a governance agreement includes the renunciation of unilaterality, the ERC leader has indicated that “we will not renounce in any case the exercise of any democratic right.” The defense of unilaterality had been put on the table by Junts

The Government has not wanted to go into depth into the considerations made by Junqueras. The spokesperson for the Executive, Isabel Rodríguez, has said that the “biggest territorial crisis” that Spain has ever had has been overcome. “No one questions today that Catalonia is infinitely better, and we have done it through dialogue.”

The Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta, has said he is unaware that there is an agreement that already establishes an amnesty law, and has urged him to make it public if this is the case. Regarding a possible defense of unilaterality, the minister has indicated that “in democracy there is no unilaterality but rather a search for consensus and agreements.” The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, has also indicated that she does not know of any document on a future amnesty law.