Boris Johnson, has on Sunday held a meeting with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Here let the british prime minister understand that a normalization of relations between the two countries not just on the stairs.

This will only happen when Russia ceases its destabilizing activities”.

The two met on the sidelines of a fredsmøde for Libya, which was held in the German capital, Berlin, on Sunday.

A spokeswoman for Johnson, whereas Russia’s attempt to assassinate the defected double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in 2018. Attacked with a dangerous chemical substance happened in the English city of Salisbury. Both survived.

– He made it very clear that there is no change in the british attitude to the Salisbury, which was a reckless attempt to murder innocent people on british soil, says talskvinden.

He told that such attacks must not be repeated.

the prime minister said, that there will be a normalization of our mutual relations, before Russia keeps up with the destabilizing activities that threaten the Uk and our allies, and undermines the security of our citizens and our collective security, she says.

The british authorities are convinced that Russia’s secret services were behind the attempt to kill Skripal. He had previously fled to England and had settled in the city of Salisbury.

Even though british police know who the Russian perpetrators were, so refusing Russia to extradite them.
