Behind the statement ”we are doing a ” social experiment” is now what, exactly, is time to hide the television, it is often not the most crazy of the idea as a win-win. It’s not the idea at all.

this is A social experiment will, of course, the only really interesting thing about it is, there is a social context whose boundaries they can extend and challenge: What if a group of people who are left on a deserted island with no food or water? What is the response of the four people trapped in an elevator? What happens when you let a överklassfamilj from Seattle to move into the World for a year? We are releasing four different families as a ”refugee” in Sudan and Afghanistan – how do they survive the challenge?

the people and the power, class, and gender, the social conventions and prejudices. For those who have read ”Flugornas lord knows what you are talking about.

a Simple dejtingprogram will also, naturally, that aware of the fact that most of us no where. Knasidéer such as ”Married at first sight” will be on the peak of a most peculiar game. Anyone who has ever seriously fantasized about marrying the first person you meet in the street? Sleep with, sure, but marry?

There is a limit even to the ridiculous.

When you have exhausted The concept, plus some other great ideas have you had to construct a social experiment, but to all kinds of social contexts. ”I am so excited! What about the 8 people, turns into a charkdisk at the store in the Wine”? It has always been at home, and fnulat, isn’t it?

”Cops and robbers” on national television (on Sundays) is one of those incredibly still hittepå-the idea that a man just can’t understand why it has been brought all the way from concept to production, but to any sane person on the road said to stop.

Askersundsbor (and we’re talking a hell of a standard to the next will get to re-define the entire concept of a ”standard”) with a mandate to carry out a coup d’état, to do a break-in and stealing 50 million bucks.

the Actual impact, with the Askersundsborna utspökade, and the pattern (for whom, one wonders), is the basic jönsigaste I have ever seen in the genre, ever. When they are sneaking around that building, they will turn into the direction the laughing man in the pants, and it’s so rigged, and so ospännande and so fake that you want to be the group of police officers who are supposed to hunt them, even a quarter of an hour into the programme, revealed a burglary and sent to the home of the participants and engagement in the editorial office of one year and six months of the year.

”We would like to show you how experienced officers are working and the culture is a serious crime, it has been in a variety of programmes – the cops, the ”Cops and robbers” seem to be just a substantially smarter than the ”standard” tjyvarna, and I promise you: they Had shot a bunch of seven-year-olds who played the tin, a night in an English summer garden, it would have been ten times more dramatic and exciting. And much more fun to look at.

it’s been a week after the quake, some have said haffat, a few others are the ones on the track. The Swedish team is as krimarna call at the front door of a suspected Askersundsbo – which does not seem a man to be surprised to learn that there is a tv crew and two police officers at the door, and accuses her of having stolen fifty-one million.

it is Really difficult for the police when she is in the country without a single issue, very quiet and clean, follow with a hearing. ”How would she be able to be involved in this? Now, we add the mean of the djuuuupa the crease.

tv entertainment the answer in the ”Plain text”.

don’t even have any Means Leijnegard, who is leading the program, can cover up the full bored to death of him. He’s fooling no-one.
