René Hoffbeck took the ‘Ex on the Beach’ with the objective to score the ladies and have fun.

But stay in the Greek villa has not evolved, as desired for the young his caught in the Tessie Skovlys spider web. While he has fallen head over heels for her, then eventually all other than René realize that it is not reciprocated.

And what she enjoys.

– I like to tease, and I know René, I have right here (on the little finger, ed.), and I think it is fun to provoke, to give to him like all the time and then back out again, she says in the clip, as can be seen above the article.

See also: Dramatic photos: ‘Robinson’-a participant in the back ripped up.

the Couple’s flirting has evolved over the first six paragraphs, where René has been more and more unhappy. He is so in love with Tessie, he tells the others in the villa, that he would rather hold hands with Tessie than have sex with the Line Maria Bush, which Mark Bøgelund can’t understand a piece of.

I ask René: ‘what would you rather. You have MOVIES here. Disgusting bum. She stands splitterravende (naked) and says ‘mos me’. Versus a wall and Tessie, where Tessie is saying ‘feed me with grapes, wash my hair, hold me in your hand, slept.” So he says gudhjælpemig Tessie. What the hell is going on there, says Mark Bøgelund.

Tessie has stolen René’s heart. Photo: Janus Nielsen

As Extra the Blade catches René Hoffbeck over the phone with the overall question ‘what is it that happens, René?’, he may well even see that it is mad.

– Yes, it is probably the world’s best questions, I must admit. I know damn honestly not, he says, and then tries anyway to come up with an explanation.

– Tessie and I chatted incredibly well together inside of the villa, and it is not all the clips that are shown down below from the. We talked very much together in the course of the day, and when you go up and down each other throughout the day, småkysser a little and enjoying themselves, then you will the happy a person. It is then just too bad, that it is not reciprocated so far, he laughs.

René may well even see that it is mad. Photo: Janus Nielsen

Tessie is otherwise clear in the saliva and gets explained René, that she doesn’t feel anything for him. But the leaking is not completely. On it he says.

– I like challenges, and when I first have appointed me anything, I would like to have, so I’m fighting like it. It was also about, I tried to delude myself into, that she was not so good to put words on things and not dare to say that she was happy for me.

She says in the program that she has you around her little finger and loves to give you the desires of so as to withdraw again. What was it like to see?

– It was probably not just the coolest 10 seconds of my life. I was well aware that Tessie had me around her little finger. I could certainly feel, but if you are happy for a girl, so it is also hard not to end like that, if it is not reciprocated, says René Hoffbeck.

René has gone all-in on ‘Ex on the Beach’. Photo: Janus Nielsen

He says further, that they could lie in the lounge in half an hour and snuggle and talk. When emotions arose, he discovered the severity of the back to participate in a tv program: You can’t get away.

– It is strange to be in, because you can’t get away from the person. In Denmark you can ghoste them and be there to talk with them, you can’t really here, he notes.

– What is going to happen with you and Tessie in the forward direction for the program?

– After tonight’s section, where we kiss very much in the pool that I feel that I’m about to be inside. But we will see what happens. It’s ‘Ex on the Beach’, so there is intrigue and drama. You never know what happens.

– Let us turn them on. Are you the type that gives up?

– I’m definitely not the type who gives up. Of course, if there is one or another in the way that makes it completely impossible, so I do not bother to waste my time. I don’t want to run after something that is completely impossible, but it takes a long time for me to realize that this is how it is, he says cryptically.

‘Ex on the Beach’ can be seen Sunday-Tuesday on Channel 4 and on the streaming service dplay.