Christmas is identical with christmas parties, and more, this means that the wet cases smoking check. And it can do, that reason is smoking out. It has before led, to spouses and lovers have come by and broken the softly or understand the rule of a monogamous relationship.

See also: Revealed: So many are unfaithful to the christmas party

Maj Wismann there is a clinical sexologist and therapist, has been with several couples where she has been brought into light several years after, which often have done more damage than if it had been told with the same.

– When you first sat with the couple, where she has been discovered 20 to 30 years and experiencing all the frustration that comes with, then it is very difficult to give recommendations on the to keep his infidelity secret for several years.

– Imagine how it is about ten years to get to know that your partner actually has been you unfaithful. Now you’ve got two children with a man or woman who you actually would have chosen if you had known message.

Maj Wismann has since 2006 had a private therapist and parterapeutpraksis. She has helped several hundred couples to get a grip on love and sexual arousal. On you will find more info on May as a therapist.

At some grows the bad conscience over time, so eventually it is so big, that the first tell what has happened a long time after the incident took place. According to Maj Wismann makes it more harm to both parties.

– What I have experienced is that for most of us it is worse to get she to know years after it has taken place. And I recommend that you by the side of the parterapien, also goes into an individual psychologist course, for it is a big part of one’s life essentially has been based on something you thought was something else. Often smoking a significantly greater existential crisis, if she is gone many years ago.

– of course It is not always black on white, and there can be few examples where it is better to keep the mouth, but as a starting point is my experience that it is best to be honest from the start.

– in Order to begin to build a relationship on honesty and fidelity, as so is just a lie. It’s not just infidelity, it is quite general that if we break the rules we make for each other, then you should of course let his partner have the choice whether they want to be a part of this relationship, when you have broken the rules.

– Many feel they are completely alone when they find out that their partner has been unfaithful for ten years ago. It is not so much be adultery in itself that hurts, it is the feeling of being taken for a ride for so long, as in most of the makes even worse than the she.

the Facts: Sex in Denmark. Key figures from the Project Sexus 2017-2018

In 2019 have Project SEXUS released the world’s largest population survey on sexuality and less infidelity.

Among 47.379 respondents who indicated that they had a spouse, permanent partner or lover, corresponded to 18.5%, that they had been with their current partner cheating on at least once.

the Proportion is greater among men than among women. For both men and women is the proportion of people who are unfaithful highest among 65 to 74-year-old.

Anja Lysholm has written the book ‘Who are you cheating’. She would also like to give the danes a few words with on the way, with regard to honesty and infidelity.

– I always think you have to be 100 % honest with his partner. But I’m a believer of forgiveness and understanding that it can be difficult to be honest.

– But where it is common to give the unfaithful party to blame for the breach, I believe that both have a responsibility. The one that requires divorce the pga. infidelity, must make clear that he/she chooses the break forward for the remission of sins,

– therefore, I have a great understanding of them that hides a quick digression to the christmas party, f.ex. For it is not everyone that can accommodate honesty, and so does one might, in fact, more harm than good by telling it. Are digress which is something that happens regularly, or for longer, alongside, secret relationship, so my position is that one should say it – always.