The Antoni Tàpies Foundation yesterday appointed Imma Prieto as the institution’s new director for the next five years. Its incorporation coincides with the year in which the institution will begin celebrating the centenary of the artist’s birth (in December). Prieto will succeed Carles Guerra occupying the position that has been vacant since 2020, when he left it abruptly and without the reasons being known. Guerra had assumed the directorship of the institution in 2015 and stepped down shortly before his contract ended.

After Guerra left, a public competition was launched that opened in September 2022 and was won by Imma Prieto. During this time, a management team has assumed the management tasks, with Núria Oms in the artistic section and Anna Saurí in the management of the museum.

Imma Prieto (Vilafranca del Penedès, 1976) is a curator, researcher and writer. For the last four years he has been in charge of the direction of Es Baluard Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Palma. He has worked with artists such as Jimmie Durham, Martha Rosler, Maria Lai, Anri Sala, Ana Vieira, Yto Barrada, Banu Cennetoglu, Hiwa K, Teresa Margolles, Esther Ferrer, Dan Perjovski, Jorge Eduardo Eielson, Daniel G. Andújar, Antoni Muntadas, the collective Mal Pelo, Rogelio López Cuenca, Elo Vega, Elena del River, Maria Soroll, Fina Miralles, Antoni Llena, Miquel Àngel Campano or Estefania Peñafiel.

His incorporation into the foundation is scheduled for October. The board of trustees committee that elected Prieto was composed of María Dolores Jiménez Blanco, Ferran Rodés, Manuel Borja-Villel, Toni Tàpies, Àlex Nogueras, Marta Clari and Sònia Hernández.