What does he hope to discover now, without Stephen Hawking?
I think I will and we will get to see how our telescopes find life on exoplanets with atmospheres…
Why are you so sure?
Because something unique is happening in the world of astrogravity and quantum and that is that the new telescopes and their astrophysicists are crossing data with each other and the surprise is that this data is starting to converge with the theories of holographic physics… Theories that I second and that Stephen and I proposed.
Can you state them here and now?
Is the universe an immense quantum computer? Is the cosmos a hologram that will one day be deciphered by this computer? Holographic physics puts information at the center of all theory: quantum information and quantum computing… Like Hawking and me.
What do you propose?
So far we were talking about matter and particles and forces and space-time; but we are getting closer to the conception of the universe evolving to life that a quantum computer will simulate…
Will the computer be like the universe?
…That it was nothing but a computer. We are seeing the emergence of new types of intelligence that are beginning to map the cosmos with machine learning … and they are proving us right: the universe responds to different laws, because it evolved in different layers and in its beginnings it was much simpler: it didn’t have three dimensions, but two…
Has the cosmos been changing and adding dimensions to the two it originally had?
And we see that the notion of universal and immutable laws of physics for everything that happens in the cosmos since its origin and conceived from the illusion of those who believe they are outside of it is out of date.
How did Hawking reconcile these laws on a continuum with Darwin’s?
Before it was distinguished between laws of physics and those of biology; but those of Darwin follow those of Hawking to explain the evolution of the universe of which we are part, because the scientist is not a God who deciphers them from beyond, but part of the universe. He explains how we came up with it.
There are no universal laws, then?
What we are saying is that the laws of the universe do not seem to change to us, but they only seem to us to change, because they do not change on the scale of space-time that we are able to conceive as humans… But, in reality, they do change.
Did you go further?
Hawking was as crazy as the universe itself, which is why he was able to conceive of it in retrospect to the big bang and not just in the space-time it was in…
Do we live in parallel universes?
It is what Linde, Vilenkin or here Garriga propose; but this proposal is not complete nor is it another hypothesis of external law within the same universe, which they still try to explain as if they were not part of it and it does not serve us, because we are inside and evolve – like its laws – with him.
So how did it all start?
The laws that explain from the big bang what the cosmos is and, in it, us, manifested themselves layer after layer in a constant evolution that leads to life…
Does the observer modify what he observes because it is part of the observed?
Darwin explains what he observes knowing that he is a primate, so he starts from what he observed; and this is us when we describe the evolution of the cosmos; that’s why I challenge him with the title of my book.
Where are we going with the universe?
Life evolves and, therefore, so do the laws that describe it. And those of DNA are fulfilled not before DNA existed. It is the same with those of the cosmos.
Was the cosmos simpler in origin?
And it must be understood that the laws that explain it also evolve with a random point, like the evolution of life itself. Because there is nothing predetermined: evolution sometimes depends on chance and only then can we explain why it has evolved in one direction and not in another. It has no direction or meaning predetermined by anything or anyone.
How can we know here and now what happened?
I hope that they will reveal it to us with the new telescopes observing these gravitational waves that reach us from the big bang and thus we will reconcile gravity and relativity and relativity and quantum.
Will we finally reconcile Newton and Einstein and general relativity with quantum?
But I will never present what I think as someone who dictates a dogma, but as someone who finds some point to hold on to in an ocean of uncertainties that I try to describe while I am part of it and evolve with it.