the Billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen, who among other things owns the ASOS and Bestseller, will build an idyllic resort in Scotland.

the Resort will include hotel, restaurant, bakery, shops and a micro brewery.

But the dane meet now resistance from local businesses in the area.

It writes the Daily Mail.

It is particularly hoteliers, who fear that the rigmands project will have a negative impact on their business in the village of Tonque, where the dane has plans to build the resort.

– We are clear opponents of the indkvarteringsdelen of the proposed development, says Suzanne Mackay, which owns the ‘Kyle of Tongue Hostel and Holiday Park’, to the british media.

– This is not fair competition for other providers of accommodations, and it will directly affect our business, says Suzanne Mackay, she explains.

Extra Magazine has previously written about Anders and Anne Holch Povlsens scottish enterprise and bevaringseventyr under the trade name of ‘Wildland Ltd.’, where, over the years have acquired so many properties that they can today call themselves the Uk’s largest landowners.

the Dane, who has a fortune in the region of 50 billion dollars, has more than 80,000 hectares in Scotland.

the Couple have for many years had a great love for the country, as they often visit to enjoy the beauties of nature.

Donald and Anne Holch Povlsen is married and has got four children. Three of the children died tragically during the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka last year.

the Extra Leaf is working to get a comment from Anders Holch Povlsen.

See also: Danish billionaires run the risk of being thrown out of Scotland

See also: 800-kilometer-long tourist magnet taken over by Danish billionaire

the 112 – 22. apr. 2019 – at. 14:13 Shortly before the tragedy: the Children should continue great project