Hit all the sticks (well).

One of my teachers taught me that the day after an election, if you win, you should do a calm and humble exercise thinking about how they could have been lost. If this is done, it never returns to the original darkness. In politics, the one who waits that second longer wins and, zas, the triple goes in. Who knows that every movement, message or nuance makes a difference. Who is ahead by answering the question: how close were you to victory or defeat? Because in politics, what costs little is valued little. What we really value in politics is what costs us a lot.

The Catalans have been the last big mountain pass, of a special category, before the final sprint of the 9-J. And there are only three variables here to understand that independence is not the process and they cannot be confused: first move, if AC (Aliança Catalana) had obtained just 2,900 votes, 0.12% more in the province of Barcelona, ??today there would be neither a tripartite majority nor a non-independence majority. 2 deputies would remain, one in the PSC and another in the PP, obtaining 4; second, if, for example, out of the 542 sections in Tarragona, the CUP had obtained just a little more than one vote, it would have taken another seat from the PSC (it had 570 votes), and third, the same thing happens in Lleida : Together they were only 800 votes away from winning the last PSC seat. Whoever has creative ideas, manages the direction of the game and has precision wins. The winner is the one who hits all the clubs (well). Both three months ago and a month ago, there was a greater chance of a pro-independence majority than the current result. And there you have it: being close to winning or losing wasn’t even 5,000 votes.

Therefore, independence is not the same as the process. It’s clear. And these elections have not defeated independence, as the majority of the M-30 mistakenly explains, but have turned a page in the process, or what is the same, a new stage opens, that of the end of unilateralism and speaking only to 50% of Catalans. Salvador Illa is in charge of leading the post-process with his white Ferrari thanks to gathering more than 870,000 votes and 42 very central seats that have all the existing operating majorities. That is why he not only won, but defeated everyone, because his victory contains varied operations. And in a Catalan society as blocked as it was until Sunday, it makes him the undisputed winner who will form a Government later than before. But it was close to not being so. The ball was about to hit the post. It was an optimized result with which the Socialists are again first in an election three years later.

There is no pro-independence or nationalist majority, because 80% of Catalonia wants this new stage: that of the third major transformation of public services, and at the same time, that of a different fit from the current one in this plurinational State in the south of the EU that is Spain. A fit from a new major axis, that of collaboration and not confrontation with the State. If the majority of the M-30 intends to make operational the 68 seats of the PSC, PP and Vox, it is just as confusing again as it was a decade ago. And clearly, they continue to live on Pluto, without landing in Spain. This absolute majority is blocking. It will never be operative because it would be speaking to the other 50% of Catalans and not to the 80% that is the mandate of the 12-M. Great country agreements: unite and serve. It is also clear.

To touch all the sticks (well) is therefore to understand your political position and those of your potential allies and rivals. Trying to be the first force without having all these poles under control in a campaign or legislature is the opposite of what Illa did in Catalonia. Let no one confuse the process with the peripheral, plurinational and transversal majority it sends to Congress. Catalonia will have to follow its course and Spain, its own.

The Catalans started when the Basques ended. And now the Europeans are playing. Beware of setting up campaigns with scenarios that don’t exist. Europeans are Europeans. Nothing more. In these elections, first of all, there is usually an ideal humus for OPNIs (unidentified political objects). The jackhammer will not work. Nor the tug-of-war. Nor escape from each other. Hit (well) all the sticks.

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