Greta Thunberg spotted at the 121-year-old picture

Can the Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg travel in time? Or has she just some pretty generic facial features?

these are just some of konspirationsteoretikernes explanations that abound around an image that allegedly shows the three children in the process of working in a gold mine in the Yukon territory of Canada in 1898.

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the Image is derived, after all, to judge from the online photo archive at the University of Washington, and the reason for that, after 121 years has suddenly gone viral on the social media, is that one of the kids has an almost uncanny resemblance to Greta Thunberg. The image is also reproduced on the where you can see that the image was laid up in 2015 – many years before, to the young klimaaktivist was a well-known name.

This picture of three children working at a gold mine in Canada, located in the University of Washington’s archives along with 816 other images by photographer Eric A. Hegg. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

See also: Greta Thunberg gets his face on the big wall

According to the International Business Times began the image to flourish, as the YouTube channel ArtAlien TV discussed it in a video 15. november. But initially, the image is thus, apparently, taken from the University of Washington’s gallery, where a whole series of 817 images in the archive ‘Photographs of Alaska and the Klondike, 1897-1901’ by the photographer Eric A. Hegg is archived digitally.

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the Girl’s impressive resemblance to the 16-year-old environmental activist has now spawned several ‘theories’ as to whether Greta Thunberg can travel in time.

‘Today’s’ Greta Thunberg in connection with the People’s Klimamarch from The Space and around the Christiansborg palace in Copenhagen. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Several manifests on social media, that they believe that the image necessarily must have been photoshoppet, as she is largely identical with the living young swede. But it seems that the similarity is just so striking, that it actually is talking about her doppelganger.

In the last left the 16-year-old Swedish climate-activist Greta Thunberg USA in a big catamaran-boat, now heading towards Spain in Europe.

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