Sabadell’s Gemma Ruiz Palà rocked the Saló de Cent of Barcelona City Council in a call for vindictive feminism that is fed up with the patriarchy, which overwhelms everything. And so that his Proclamation of the Reading of Sant Jordi made the vaults and polychrome wood of the ceiling of this noble room (so historically representative of male power in everything) tremble, he used genius (in the sense of genius and his imposing literary and essayist creation) of Maria Aurèlia Capmany, whom he “invoked and claimed”.

The winner of the last Sant Jordi, with the novel Les nostres mares, spoke of this mother who “smoked cigars” like the woman she looks up to and who she would have liked to have discovered earlier: “Oh, if I t ‘had I known you at fifteen… The service you would have done me! Do you know that I didn’t get to your essay La dona a Catalunya until I was almost forty-five years old? I am ashamed, dear Maria Aurelia, and it makes me even more angry that no one had warned me that who would explain to me the great misunderstanding of the world, better and all than Betty Friedan, than Simone de Beauvoir, than Adrienne Rich and Gloria Steinem , it would be you: with the wisdom of all of them but from here and with the rich and genuine language that, like you, I also learned from my grandmothers in the Vallès. If at the age of fifteen I had been able to read your clear and Catalan diagnosis of the origins, causes and strategies of this sexist and misogynist system, oh if I had…, they would not have had so many free years, to raise -my shirt, no”.

The novelist praised the ability to work and the depth of Capmany’s writings and his literary richness and criticized the vacuum that has been made of him as another example of the petty, sexist control of what is considered culture: ” Because you know what, dear Maria Aurèlia, that if they hadn’t criticized your genius they would also have had to explain to me that you were one of the most important novelists in contemporary Catalan literature (…) and, of course, I would have seen that and so much so that it was possible to write women’s lives in a different way than they had written them. They, the ones who had made me visible, necessary, mandatory: gigantic. If I had read your novels long before I was forty-five, which would have been a long time ago I would have been able to see that the canon had wet papers, and that there were fictional protagonists who could reveal my doubts, the desires, obstacles and rebellion of women.

In front of a very attentive audience, in this dialogue he held with Campany, he sent him a message of hope: “I want to let you know that calling yourself a feminist, today, is no longer offensive. It would make you very happy to see the crowd of young people who feel it, of feminists, who openly say: happily!”. And to top it all off, without notifying the organization, Ruiz announced that he would start a puret (Reig Minor, for more information) in honor of the writer and that he would do it with his left hand (with a certain style, by the way) . And the feminist smoke permeated the vaults and polychrome woodwork of the Council of One Hundred.