Yesterday, Sunday, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, rated his relationship with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, from 1 to 10, with an 8 in terms of social policy, but admitted that “on the issues of national unity and territorial agreements” would not go above 2. His relationship with the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is one of “institutional courtesy” and leaves it at a 5.

He did so during his participation in the program Salvados de La Sexta, in which he expressed that he has “many doubts” that the legislature that has just begun in the Congress of Deputies will last four years, and he was also “very skeptical” about that the future amnesty can help reconciliation.

The president of Castilla-La Mancha  considered that in the legislature he sees “two different moments”, one part of it places it “until Puigdemont passes through La Junquera, calmly. Until then there has already been a legislature”, he interpreted, and the another “when it’s done” here.

In this context, he assumed that for the PSOE “proposing the amnesty and making it fit in the Constitution is a political toll” and criticized that the amnesty “is done because Puigdemont demands it”, although, in his opinion, “the right to decide It cannot be assumed by only one part of it.”

He also expressed his doubts that the amnesty will bring reconciliation, because there are “three things that cannot be mixed”, that those who are going to benefit from it “say they will return to their old ways”, that the same ones who are going to benefit from it “are those who vote for themselves” and that the amnesty was declared by the Government of Spain as “unconstitutional”, because when the pardons were addressed “it did not fit in the Constitution.”

Regarding whether he considers that the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, has been disloyal to his electoral program, he commented that he did not like it “at all”, and not only on the part of the President of the Government but “by more people.” , that this theory has spread that “it doesn’t matter what you say in the campaign” and “that when you govern you can change your mind”, because “it is more honest with people to recognize that votes are needed and that where I have said I mean “I say Diego.”

“It is not the same if the absolute majority of the PSOE had proposed an amnesty than for the amnesty to be a consequence, with a dose for me of low morale due to the requests of the independentists, of blackmail and threats; it is not the same to want to forgive, to that the amnesty be signed and approved and signed by the same people who are amnestied,” he declared.

Following this, he revealed that he had “no doubt” about the votes that the socialist deputies in Congress were going to express. “I know my colleagues very well. When a deputy disagrees with an opinion he can do so, but if a position is decided in the group by majority, it must be accepted,” he stressed, then confessing that if he had had to attend this vote as parliamentarian “would surely have abandoned” his minutes.

“I have given the same opinion on the street, in the party, others have not done so. I do not want to give lessons to anyone but I have gone to the last meeting of the Federal Committee of the party, where the air was really cut with a knife , a very difficult and hostile air”, when it would have been “more comfortable to have gotten sick”.

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, who revealed that he tried to convince his twin brother Javier – who dropped out as a militant due to his disagreements over the amnesty – to “hold on a little longer”, spoke about the consultation carried out by the party to militancy, to recognize that he was in favor of the pact with Sumar and also with that of Podemos – “which was a little tougher” – but “not” in favor of the pact with Junts or ERC, calling it a “question placebo” that was proposed.

As for the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, he acknowledged that he would not forgive him for what he did, since “Catholic forgiveness requires confession of sin, intention of amendment and contrition” and “at this point that forgiveness as such would not be valid”, assuming that Puigdemont “He is to blame for where we are, he is the trigger of the events that caused 155 and the constitutional intervention.”

Emiliano García-Page admitted that, although he would not have preferred to go to new elections, “he was not afraid of it”, believing that a “tougher negotiating position” should have been maintained from the first minute. “The reasonable thing is to make it difficult for the independentists, if from the first day we insisted on making it clear that we were going to govern at any price, the price would rise,” he censured.

He also did not want to fail to emphasize that in the pact with Puigdemont, he signs that he accepts a referendum throughout Spain, “and the PSOE says that it does not agree”, therefore “there is no closed commitment to give rise to that referendum.” “Any referendum that is not to change or modify the Constitution, of course I would appeal to the Constitutional Court beforehand, regardless of the fact that it is not going to happen,” he added.

Asked if he had come to think these days that he should apologize to the President of the Government for the criticisms he had made, he was blunt, assuring that “no, under any circumstances.” “Nor he to me,” he added.

Likewise, he reiterated that he will not fight to be general secretary “under any circumstances.” “I’ve said it a thousand times, I don’t have the slightest intention and, most likely, not the slightest possibility either,” he joked.

The socialist finally acknowledged that he does not feel that he has been left alone defending his position. “In his manner, in his public expression, he probably gives an image of greater loneliness” but “not fundamentally, whatever.” However, he pointed out that two months ago he asked the President of the Government “to have a calm meeting to talk”, which has not occurred. “It’s obvious that he’s busy,” he justified.