A full passenger on a Russian aircraft was tied to his seat with duct tape, because he tried to break into the cockpit.

The full passages, which are not named – but the which the Russian authorities have released pictures of – was a domestic flight with the airline S7 airlines from Mineralnye Vody to Novosibirsk, when he became aggressive and shouted obscenities at the other passengers and the staff. The writing medium of The Independent.

Then he tried to get into the cockpit.

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Why was the staff need to tape the man firmly to a seat. Images show that the man is sitting and crying, while he is strapped with several layers of duct tape.

When the plane landed in Novosibirsk, police were summoned.

– When the police came aboard, they found a man strapped to a chair. He kicked into kabinevæggen with its feet, says Irina Volk, spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry for Internal Affair, in a statement.

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the Article continues under the picture …

the Man did not stop to be aggressive, even if the police came. Photo: Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of

the Police stated that the man was highly intoxicated and was also later confirmed that he was under the influence before he came on board. According to police, he continued to behave defiantly and udadreagerende, when he was taken with at the station.

Now he is charged with so-called hooliganism in the air, and stands to get up to five years in prison.

A witness to the incident said that he had behaved like a wild bear on the plane. Allegedly could the man not remember anything of what had happened when he was finally sober.

the record says nothing about what kind of alcohol the man had consumed.

See also: Now can bad behavior on the plane end up in prison abroad

When the man was sober, he could not remember anything. Photo: Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of