July was the hottest month ever measured on earth.

the Temperature on earth is rising, and in tandem with climate change experiencing the globe several forest – and wildfires than ever before, beats the experts the real.

the Development means that even places on the arctic circle such as Alaska, Siberia and Greenland, where it has previously been a rarity, has this summer been fighting against the fierce flames, while the rain forests in Brazil and Indonesia are disappearing at an unprecedented rate.

See also: Violent fire in Greenland: Asking for 30 Danish firefighters

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In Indonesia are fighting the firefighters against a flammehav in the city of Pekanbaru. Photo: Hadly Vavald/Ritzau Scanpix
Nordkuglen in flames
the forest Fires in the Amazon has in recent weeks developed into an international crisis, but the massive problems in Brazil one sees everywhere on the planet.

Since July, according to the New York Times disappeared about 25,000 square kilometres of forest in Siberia, which is close to an area just as large as the whole of Jutland.

In Alaska has a forest area larger than the island of Funen been turned to ash. And just under the northern climes, you will experience more and more forest fires, because the arctic region is experiencing warming twice as fast as the rest of the world.

It tells the geography-professor at Idaho University, John Abatzoglou.

– Higher temperatures will continue to increase the risk of fires. There is also expected more lightning, which creates forest fires. The here development, we are looking at so distant sites, probably would not happen if it were not for climate change, he says, the New York Times.

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In Siberia Boguchany district is facing a million hectares of forest on fire. Photo: Donat Sorokin/Ritzau Scanpix
Critical development
According to Mikaela Weisse, who works for Global Forest Watch, is a planet in flames extremely critical.

– It is definitely something to be concerned about. Especially because more research in this area says that we are to reach out over the edge, says the professor, according to the american media.

Alone through July and august forest fires in the Arctic meant about 180 megatonnes emissions of CO2, which is more than Sweden emits in a year.

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forest Fires are raging in the USA’s northernmost state, Alaska. Photo: Churgach National Forest/Ritzau Scanpix
Africa burning
On the african continent, you can experience also this summer, the record-many fires. According to the u.s. space agency NASA is going on right now more than a quarter of a million nature – and forest fires in Africa.

Especially the central african countries of Angola and The Democratic Republic of the Congo is ravaged by fires, which according to experts is due to both the farmers and climate change.

The us media Bloomberg has come into the possession of figures which show that only in Angola occurred about 7000 fires in the 48 hours between 22. and 23. august, while the figure for Drc is higher than 3000.

Community – 29. aug. 2019 – at. 19:11 Everyone’s talking about Amazon: Here it burns three times as much

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The heart of Africa is plagued by the particular patch of forest and markbrande for the time being. Photo: NASA
Science & technology – 27. aug. 2019 – at. 10:39 New images reveal huge releases of carbon monoxide from the Amazon
The sixth masseuddøen
the Rise of forest – and wildfires worldwide is a contributing factor to the climate change the planet is experiencing. It considers Jacob Feature article, who is the head of the organization of the World’s Forests international department.

– It is of course about climate, because forests bind much carbon is being burned, and it takes a long time to build up again. Forests occupy so much CO2 through photosynthesis, and they can’t if they are being burned. CO2 emissions from skovafbrændinger is globally as big as the total transport sector, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

But it also causes other major challenges, explains Jacob Feature:

– Additionally, there is a problem in relation to biodiversity. We are in a historic biodiversitetskrise. You call it the sixth masseuddøen, and it is tremendously. It is important to get on the agenda in the global community. If you really believe what you said in the Paris international climate agreement by 2015, red.) around the climate, so you have to listen to the experts who say you should do something about forest fires.

In 2015, the UN member states at a summit in Paris to reduce emissions of so-called greenhouse gases (CO2, red.).

A volunteer fighting against the flames of the Amazon. Photo: Ueslei Marcelino/Ritzau Scanpix

Only the last week is that registered thousands of forest fires in the Amazon. Photo: Bruno Kelly/Ritzau Scanpix

A tourist looks on from a boat, while a fierce forest fires ravaging the Greek island of Samos. Photo: Antonio valenciano/Ritzau Scanpix

Firefighters in Indonesia. Photo credit: Beawiharta Beawiharta/Ritzau Scanpix

A firefighter extinguishes forest fires in Siberia. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Community – 29. aug. 2019 – at. 19:11 Everyone’s talking about Amazon: Here it burns three times as much

the 112 – 26. aug. 2019 – at. 18:59 Big fire at the popular party-island

War & disasters – 26. aug. 2019 – at. 04:19 the Amazon is burning: Nasa photo reveals the level

See also: Rejects million to the Amazon