The Rubicó river marked, near present-day Rimini, the border between Italy and Gallia Cisalpina, a province assigned to general Julius Caesar. The Senate, which was leaning in favor of Pompey, had demanded that the general leave the province and present himself to Rome as a simple citizen. Caesar became aware of the gravity of the moment: if he crossed the Rubicon with his legions, he would provoke a civil war, but if he accepted the order of the Senate, his political death was a fact. After a lot of hesitation and a premonitory dream, Caesar utters the famous phrase “Alea jacta est”. Let the dice roll.

The dice of fortune rolled in favor of Caesar, who won the civil war. Pompey fled to Egypt, where he was received in a deceptive way by the provincial pharaoh, Ptolemy XIII. Thinking that he would flatter Caesar, the pharaoh had Pompey killed and his head cut off. Dissected, he sent it to Rome as a gift to Caesar. But Caesar became sulphurous, because he knew that victory is only consolidated with harmony: he had just decreed an amnesty to promote civil reconciliation. Five years later, the Rubicon dice stopped. Caesar was killed. 23 stab wounds

Saving all distances, the main episode of the sinister Prigozhin, his march on Moscow at the head of a private army, could make us think of the dilemma that Julius Caesar faced before crossing the Rubicon. But Prigozhin, now assassinated by the ominous secret tentacles of Putin’s Russia, dared not persist in the challenge; and backed away. From that moment he was a dead man.

His case, also saving all the distances, resembles that of Marshal Rommel, the Guilla of the Desert. Military of formidable prestige, it is the only one of the Third Reich that has an open museum. Being a simple lieutenant he was already the cause of the depressing Italian debacle in Caporetto (1917). Brilliant strategist during World War II, disappointed with Hitler, participated (by action or omission) in the failed attempt against the Führer. But he did not dare to cross the Rubicon. Prigojin has lasted two months as a living dead. Rommel lasted three. They made him commit suicide. He officially died due to an enemy attack. He had a state funeral. If Prigojin doesn’t have it, he’ll be short of it.