The former president of the Parliament, Carme Forcadell, has considered that the proposal to modify the regime of temporary allowances and pensions that the presidents of the Parliament receive when they leave office seeks to discredit the institution if it is proposed only for the Catalan Chamber. In an interview with Ser Catalunya, Forcadell added that not applying the initiative also to other institutions “would be tantamount to admitting that they seek a degradation of the self-government institutions of Catalonia”.

The PSC was the first party to register a bill to eliminate life pensions and reduce the amount that ex-presidents receive after leaving office; then, comuns and Cs presented other proposals to reform the assignments of former presidents of the Parliament and the Generalitat.

In another interview on Ràdio Estel, Forcadell has maintained that these reforms must be carried out thinking of the best for the institutions and the citizenry: “Everyone over 65 should have a decent pension, but the amount is another thing”, he has added.

Regarding the presidency of the Parliament, and pending the ruling of the legal case that affects the suspended president, Laura Borràs, Forcadell has defended that it fall on a pro-independence party: “Reinforcing the 52% (independence party) excludes the PSC”. Along these lines, he has called for taking advantage of “this situation to rebuild and sew bridges within the independence movement.”

Regarding the ANC, an entity that he also chaired, Forcadell has maintained that it should be a place with “space for all citizens who are pro-independence”, vote for the party they vote for, and has argued that a civic list would have the effect of dividing. “I believe that it should re-add all the independence movement, regardless of the political party,” she stated.