The president of Foment del Treball, Josep Sánchez Llibre, yesterday celebrated the “change in attitude” that he sees in the warm words dedicated by the president of the central government, Pedro Sánchez, this week to a group of investors and senior officials a group of multinationals present in Spain, to which he guaranteed that there would be “stability” and “certainty” in the coming years. “This change of opinion is positive, but at the same time we ask him, as Prime Minister, to extend these statements to the entrepreneurs, self-employed and SMEs who make the country work every day”, commented the head of the Catalan employers’ association in statements to the press in Brussels.

Also “businessmen, investors and people responsible for the Spanish productive economy” want to have the “social peace, stability and predictability in the Government’s decisions” that Sánchez promised on Tuesday during the 10th Congress of the Multinationals con España platform held in Madrid, he said. In this way, “we would finally advance so that in Spain there is sustained economic growth and a generation of quality employment that goes towards full employment”, commented Sánchez Llibre.

Political acronyms aside, “what we need are government decisions that do not prevent the social market economy”, emphasized the president of Foment at the end of the two-day official visit to the community capital, where he has maintained a dense agenda of meetings with representatives of the Economy and Transport portfolios at the European Commission, as well as at the Eurochamber, where on Tuesday he interviewed its president, Roberta Metsola.

The leader of the Catalan employers’ association celebrated the announcement by the Community Executive of the entry of the H2Med hydrogen corridor into the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI, by its acronym in English), which implies that may opt for community funding. In his opinion, this decision will allow Catalonia to become the “most important green hydrogen hub in southern Europe”.

“From Foment we will continue to work to make the connection between Barcelona and Marseille viable in 2030”, he said. Although the design of the original project – the MidCat, rejected by France – was cheaper and faster to execute, the Catalan employers are committed to accelerating the launch of the new energy corridor between Barcelona and Marseille and to take advantage of the possibility of temporarily have natural gas. “There is a lot of talk about electrification, but little about the industry’s thermal energy needs, much of which cannot be electrified”, suggested Sánchez Llibre, without renouncing another investment that has been ruled out for the time being by the Spanish Government, the construction of another submarine gas pipeline between Barcelona and Livorno.