A 47-year-old Madrid lawyer, Félix Bolaños is part of the hard core of the President of the Government, he has been one of the main negotiators of the PSOE with the partners who allowed the investiture of Pedro Sánchez last week and now he gains more weight in the Executive with a super-ministry that encompasses the Presidency and Justice in a single portfolio, in a legislature that promises to be particularly tough in the relationship between the executive branch and the judicial branch, with the processing and application of the amnesty in the making and the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary pending for five years.

Since 2021, Bolaños has held the portfolio of Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory and now loses the powers of Democratic Memory that the Canarian Ángel Víctor Torres will exercise as Minister of Territorial Policy, which until now was held by Isabel Rodríguez

He has been in the Government since the arrival of Pedro Sánchez to Moncloa, first as Secretary General of the Presidency, assuming some of the functions that traditionally fell to the head of the president’s cabinet, a position that, with Iván Redondo at the helm until 2021, will be focused more on strategy and communication work.

A member of the PSOE, when Sánchez signed him, Bolaños had been working for a decade as head of the Labor Legal Advisory and Legal Documentation division of the Bank of Spain, an institution in which he joined in 2005 after obtaining the only position available for a legal advisor on labor matters. union and Social Security.

Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has practiced law and in 2001 he began working in the labor department at the Uría Menéndez Abogados law firm. He was also a professor at the Instituto de Empresa (IE Law School).

Bolaños was in charge of designing, together with the president, the structure of the Government that Sánchez formed after winning the motion of censure and, subsequently, the structures of the ministries of Spain’s first coalition government since the Second Republic and was part of the monitoring commission. of the coalition pact.

He had a very prominent role in the process of exhuming the remains of the dictator Francisco Franco from the Valley of the Fallen, acting as an interlocutor with the Franco family. During 2020 and 2021 he piloted the conversations for the renewal of State institutions such as the General Council of the Judiciary, the Court of Accounts or the Ombudsman, among others, reaching an agreement for the renewal of the Board of Directors of Spanish Radio Television . Together with the then Minister of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo, he participated in drafting the pardons to the nine independence leaders that the Government granted on June 22, 2021.

As Minister of the Presidency, Bolaños continued his work of reaching agreements between the Government and the opposition. Thus, in October 2021, PSOE and PP agreed to renew the four magistrates of the Constitutional Court that corresponded to appointing the Congress of Deputies, the twelve counselors of the Court of Accounts, the Ombudsman and the main positions of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. . Outside the agreement, however, was the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, still pending.

He had a very prominent role in coordinating the evacuation work of the Spanish contingent and Afghan collaborators from Kabul in August 2021, he coordinated the Government’s actions for the reconstruction of the island of La Palma after the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano that same year. The following year, the Government approved in the Council of Ministers a royal decree, designed jointly by its ministry and the Head of State that, among other novelties, subjected the Crown to the transparency laws of 2013 and the regulation of high office of 2015, thus allowing the external audit of its accounts through the Court of Accounts and the publication of the king’s assets.

Discreet and meticulous, he has also held positions of organic responsibility in the PSOE. He was elected secretary of the Federal Ethics and Guarantees Commission, a position for which he was again elected in the 39th Congress from which the current Federal Executive of the PSOE emerged. That same year he was appointed by the Federal Executive Commission as coordinator for the preparation of the new Federal Regulation for the Development of the Statutes of the PSOE, which was approved by the Federal Committee on February 17, 2017.

From September 2017 to August 2018 he was secretary of the Pablo Iglesias Foundation. After his departure from the foundation’s secretariat, he remained as a trustee.