The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will meet today his new management committee of the PP, which will have more women, 10 out of 16, in this new stage of opposition. In the new organization, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, increase their influence after placing the leadership of the party as direct collaborators. In addition, Feijóo creates four vice secretaries: sustainable development, health and education, and equality and conciliation, and mobilization and digital challenge.

Some PP voices warned yesterday that sixteen members are too many to form the new committee. They consider that the large presence of representatives can hinder the agile dialogue that should exist within this body which, according to many, should be smaller. The decisions adopted in this space must then be approved by the executive committee, which includes the 17 regional presidents and 35 other members elected by Congress.

In fact, Feijóo had already expanded the management committee, on the occasion of the elections in May and July, to incorporate Carmen Fúnez and Borja Sémper, and now it is expanding by three more people. The intention has been to split the position of general secretary and spokesperson, which was held by Cuca Gamarra, and four more deputy secretaries will be appointed. Only Miguel Rollán, who is now president of the Senate, and Carmen Navarro, with a position of secretary at the Congress Bureau, leave this small group.

Galicia and Andalusia maintain their weight in the direction of the PP, with Elías Bendodo and Juan Bravo, and Miguel Tellado, as well as their chief of staff and their director of projection and image, Mar Sánchez. But if there is any baron who has come out strengthened it is Ayuso, who has incorporated two collaborators: Ester Muñoz, who will be deputy secretary of health and education, and Noelia Núñez, deputy secretary of mobilization and digital challenges.

Precisely, Feijóo believes that with these new areas, in addition to the ones that remain, “the party will be able to adapt to the social reality of our country”. In this adaptation to the new times, the choice to lead the vice secretary of digital challenge stands out. Feijóo has opted for Núñez, an Ayuso collaborator and spokesperson at the Fuenlabrada City Council. A very active profile on social networks, in which, for example, a T-shirt saying “I like fruit” went viral when the president of Madrid, at the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, insulted the president of the Spanish government with a “son of a bitch” and his collaborators emphasized that he had said “I like fruit”.

For his part, Mañueco has placed a councilor of his Government as spokesperson in the Senate, Alicia García.

Feijóo keeps Esteban González Pons in the vice-secretary of institutional affairs and Juan Bravo for the economy, while Dolors Montserrat retains her position as spokesperson for the PP in the European Parliament.