Feijóo sees Sánchez as a "tafur" and accuses the PSOE of anti-Europeanism

Although he knew that the political and media “noise” caused by the diplomatic crisis between Spain and Argentina, as he lamented, would overshadow the presentation of the PP’s program for the European elections on June 9, Alberto Núñez Feijóo he devoted a large part of the speech to glossing over his party’s proposals, which will be detailed as the campaign progresses and which are based on four axes presented as “challenges”: democratic, social, economic and geostrategic. And yesterday the emphasis was on the measures aimed at the goal that young people can “build a life project”.

Reformismo 21, a foundation chaired by Pablo Vázquez, has drawn up the manifesto Equality, freedom and future, which outlines in seven pages the general lines of the political ideology of the PP, which has had its first concrete form in the plan to facilitate that the youngest of 35 years emancipated as soon as possible.

After a conversation about how to address the generational gap between Alma Ezcurra (number three in the candidacy for the European Parliament) and Adrián Vázquez (number ten and brilliant signing from Ciutadans, whose party he was secretary general), the head of the list, Dolors Montserrat, launched the most ideologically loaded message denouncing the “deterioration” that the Government of Pedro Sánchez represents for Spanish democracy, which he accused of “pointing out” justice and the press and of being “kneeling before the nationalism”, whose votes depend on his narrow parliamentary majority.

According to the head of the popular delegation in Brussels, the PSOE does not defend a “common project” for Spain and can defend it even less in Europe, the scenario in which it has negotiated with Carles Puigdemont the “infamous amnesty” that has allowed Sánchez to continue in Moncloa.

After Montserrat’s preamble, which outlined some ideas on housing, health, climate change, competitiveness, infrastructure and defence, Feijóo formulated an argument in favor of traditional electoral programs, which, he acknowledged, almost no one it does not read: “It is enough to ask citizens to vote like hooligans, based on proclamations, propaganda and walls”, he exclaimed. And this made him demand from the Spaniards an “answer”, as the PP slogan says in the European elections, at the polls.

In order to deepen stability, security, prosperity and well-being within the European Union, says the leader of the PP, Spain should anoint Copernican, since he is acting “in the worst possible way”, and abandon the “succession of tricks and lies” by Sánchez, who framed him, without naming him, in the ranks of the “trickster politicians” who, with “cheats and blackmail”, have confronted the country with “artificial debates” and have given “privileges ” to the independentists for “entrenching” themselves in “absurd walls”.

Feijóo, who, however, did not utter the word amnesty, erected the PP in the “anchor of constitutionalism and Europeanism” in the face of a PSOE that “wraps itself these days in the flag of the Union and behaves in the reverse” of European values ??by “criticizing” the media and judges that are not related to him, “cancelling the rule of law for personal interests” or “condemning the democratic alternation”.

Faced with the “anomaly” that Spain represents in Europe, one of the few member states governed by a left-wing Executive and characterized, according to Feijóo, by its “anti-Europeanism”, the PP proposes to “curb the excesses” of Sánchez and the “enemies” of democracy on all fronts”.

To begin with, yesterday it was time to focus on the situation of young people, those under 35 years old, whose problems, the head of the opposition quipped, can be seen at a great distance from Moncloa: “If from the Falcon, reality can be seen very far away, imagine how difficult it is to see it from a rocket”, he said in allusion to the metaphor that Sánchez has used to refer to the good march of the economy.

The PP proposes a tax reduction for young people starting their professional career, which would start from the tax exemption in the first year of work. The 100% bonus would be reduced by 25% each year until the fourth, in which it would reach parity with the rest of the employees. This savings is conditional on the money being allocated to the entrance to buy a flat, entrepreneurship, training or having a child.

This “package of reforms never before known in favor of young people”, as described by Feijóo, would be completed with bonuses in Social Security contributions and free schools from zero to three years, a measure with which it is intended to encourage the birth “I want a Spain where being young is easy, where young people don’t feel abandoned and can look to the future with excitement,” summed up the president of the PP.

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