Who was going to tell Podemos that his greatest ally would be Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and who was going to tell the president of the PP that Podemos would serve as endorsement for his complaints. But so it has been. The complaint by the Secretary General of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, that the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) manipulated the data from its latest barometer to harm its formation amid the controversy over the law of only yes It is yes, it has served Feijóo on a platter as a statement of authority to accept his accusations, ongoing for months, that the body led by José Félix Tezanos manipulates the results of his surveys to favor Pedro Sánchez and harm his adversaries .

On the eve of the act of presenting the political platform of the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, to which the Podemos staff will not attend, at least officially, Belarra made a serious accusation about a government body to which she belongs , the CIS: an alleged manipulation of the data from the March barometer in order to lower the estimate of votes for United We Can to relate it to the controversy over the law of only yes is yes. At the same time, the organization secretary of Podemos, Lilith Verstrynge, denounced a “partisan use” of the CIS, to harm her space.

In the March barometer, UP suffered a large drop, remaining at 10% of voting intentions, compared to 12.7% in February, behind Vox. According to the complaint from Podemos, until now, the spontaneous responses that cited Sumar as a political preference joined the vote for Unidas Podemos, but in March this did not happen, and 3.6% of the support that came out of Unidas Podemos ended up in the category of other parties.

As it could not be less, the leader of the PP immediately signed up for the complaint of the purple ones. In the popular leader’s opinion, Belarra’s accusation is “the straw that breaks the camel’s back”, because it is a government minister who says that a body of the same administration “is prevaricating and manipulating” the survey data to benefit Yolanda Diaz.

In statements to the media in Elx, Feijóo considered it proven, with this complaint, that the CIS is the “PSOE’s propaganda apparatus”, but now the Podemos ministers themselves “accredit that it is a propaganda apparatus and that it may be facing cases of embezzlement. For Feijóo, this manipulation of the data “is a consequence of the agreement between the President of the Government and the second vice president to politically bury Podemos. We are seeing it every day, we cannot continue in this misrule”.