The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, referred this Wednesday in Valencia to María José Catalá, PP candidate for mayor of that city, as the “candidate for Barcelona City Council”, two days after joking with his slips in a rally and ensure that, although in the PP they are not “perfect”, they are “better than the Government”.

The phrase. “Tomorrow is probably the last day that I have to address myself as a candidate for the Barcelona City Council, dear María José Catalá, sorry, to the Valencia City Council,” she stated, quickly correcting her slip.

Feijóo, who has had an intense electoral agenda throughout Spain for two weeks with several daily acts, has later had another lapse when he has referred to the “alleged electoral fraud” in Melilla and Mojácar (Almería) and has demanded that the PSOE “break now with the Muslim Coalition Party in Seville, sorry in Melilla”, alluding to the Coalition for Melilla.

The context. Feijóo himself took advantage of his rally in Cáceres this Tuesday to joke about his lapses, after at the start of the campaign in an act also in this autonomy, in Badajoz, he alluded to the illusion he perceived in Andalusia, a lapse that he corrected seconds later when he was warned by the public of the error. “I see so much enthusiasm here, today at the rally, that I am going to say that I am delighted to be back in Andalusia,” he joked on Tuesday, referring himself to his lapse two weeks earlier.

Feijóo then said that in the PP they are not “perfect” but they are “infinitely better” than the Government of Pedro Sánchez. “I am not perfect nor do I pretend to be. I am simply a normal person who defends normality, which is what is needed in Spain at this time,” he said, to send “a loving greeting to all those who spend the day looking for slips.” of his interventions and tell them that they were going to “get sick” of listening to him.

In his act this Thursday in Valencia, together with María José Catalá and Carlos Mazón, Feijóo has presented the PP as the party of the people, who is in the street and who only asks: “What do you want and what can you do”.

In addition, he has indicated that this campaign on the street has served them to collect the feelings of the citizens and verify that one of their main concerns is the increase in the prices of the shopping cart. And he has complained again that the Government rejects the PP measures to lower VAT on meat, fish and preserves, create a fund with banks to help the most vulnerable families or reduce personal income tax for lower incomes at 40,000 euros.

He has also defended the PP measures for entrepreneurs, such as a 0 Rate for new self-employed workers with financing of 80 euros per month for those who do not reach the SMI or a 50 Rate for young people under 25 who study and work. They are measures, he has continued, that appear in the framework program of the PP.

And as he did this Tuesday, he has reiterated the need to return to consumers the electricity surplus of 6,000 million euros and that this support is especially focused on vulnerable and self-employed consumers. “These are the proposals for change, for the people, who cannot continue to see the most expensive government in democracy with the worst purchasing power in recent years.”