The Catalan campaign, which ends this Friday, and that of the European 9-J converged this Thursday in Barcelona together with the PP with messages that revolve around similar strategies. Alberto Núñez Feijóo closed the presentation of the candidacy for the European Parliament by emphasizing that Spain must go to vote in June “in legitimate defense.” A “legitimate defense” to confront the selfishness of Pedro Sánchez, he said, and against the “exclusionary ideology” of the independence movement.

The launch of the European candidacy, headed by Dolors Montserrat, and also attended by the president of the EPP, Manfred Weber, also sought a final push for Alejandro Fernández. Feijóo stressed that the entire party is with the candidate, and explained that the step that will be taken on Sunday will be “big or very big”, in a party with firm convictions. The PP, at a time when many surveys indicate that Vox is holding on, defended the importance of “consolidating a project.” The popular leader, as he did six days ago, highlighted the need to unite the vote to prevent seats from being lost.

In the afternoon, Feijóo traveled to Tarragona for the fourth time in the campaign at a rally in which he delved into this commitment to construct a long-term project, and pointed out that whatever happens on Sunday, Catalonia will be his “priority land.” ” from 12-M. A bet that has to do with the strength he needs from the Catalan electorate if he wants to reach Moncloa.

“It is not about getting a great result, which we will have – he highlighted – but about the PP of Catalonia being the great reference of the Catalan center right.” A project that he described as “reformist” to end the “decline of Catalonia” and “replace” it at the head of Spain.

The president of the PP pointed out that just as no one can make it impossible for a Catalan to be Catalan, Catalonia and Spain “which have been united for centuries” can never be broken. Feijóo has been very deeply involved in the campaign that concludes today, and today, Friday, he will also be at the closing rally.

Alejandro Fernández, in this line of discourse, also indicated that 12-M will lay the first stone to end separatism and Pedro Sánchez, and for the PP to reach Moncloa. He placed special emphasis on the fact that in addition to changing the management , its essential commitment is that “never again will anyone make any foreign Catalan feel in their land as happened during the process.”

The last messages from the popular party arrived following the script of a moderate campaign focused on the need to open a new stage after the process – in which the PSC is also complicit. In reality, in the morning the harshest speech was the one made by Weber, who has publicly confronted Pedro Sánchez with the bitter debate they held in the European Parliament about the amnesty. The German leader made reference to the period of reflection that the Spanish president took, pointing out that no European prime minister would ever be absent from his duties. “Spain needs a statesman and not a showman.” He also lamented that “convicted terrorists” can get freedom.