Ten minutes were enough for the PP candidate for the presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to summarize his message in his last speech before verifying that he did not have support to be elected president. A tough but concise speech, with a single interlocutor, Pedro Sánchez, whom he challenged to break his silence once and for all and make clear the doubts that the Spanish people have.

“Come up here now,” said Feijóo from the Congress rostrum. “Do not hide and speak clearly, without silences, without statements at night full of euphemisms. Come up and say what Spain is going to have to endure if you are president. Please have the courage that you did not have on Tuesday and say what you think about the clear and clear demands of the independentists. Feijóo’s challenge is clear: “Go up and say it clearly. Aministía yes or no; self-determination referendum yes or no.”

After its failure, for Feijóo there are only two ways out “and neither of them is honorable: A lying Government or a repeat election.” A lying Government, explained why a Government of Pedro Sánchez with the support of ERC and Junts in exchange for the amnesty and the self-determination referendum “will be based on lies” since “or the independentistas have lied” if they give in to their demands, but they will have deceived their voters, “or the Socialist Party has deceived.”

For Feijóo, of these two possibilities, he believes that the deception of the PSOE is more possible, “hence their silences”, which is why he insisted: “Mr. Sánchez, amnesty yes or no, I say no; self-determination referendum yes or no, sir Sánchez, I say no.” The leader of the PP sees it possible for Sánchez to be president, but he will be, he said, “at the expense of the dignity and equality of the Spanish people.”

The president of the PP did not appeal for anyone to change their vote and support him: “I ask them not to be turncoats, not to be turncoats from their voters, from their principles and from the transition. Don’t be,” but he appealed “to the coherence and conscience”, but he made it clear to them that “we are not going to admit the cynicism of being asked later for what they deny us now. Another step of cynicism, no more.”

Regarding the second option, that of the electoral repetition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo considers that it is “more decorous”, because “consent was not requested for this, on the contrary”, and reminded him how he said no to the amnesty and the referendum of self-determination just two months ago. And he made another summons to Sánchez. “If you want to do it, get it at the polls.”

The leader of the PP defended himself against the accusation of failure leveled at him from the left, and stressed that “there is no longer any possibility of victory for any president, because there is no success in deception.” His last words were for the Spanish “I will not be able to give you a government, but I will be able to give you security and hope” and from the government, or from the opposition, sooner rather than later, he will defend a government, this one, at the service of the Spanish people ” .