One of David Bisbal’s machines revealed: Carlos Alcaraz. “It is a machine that represents the machine of the region of Murcia!” said the aforementioned Alberto Nuñez Feijóo of the tennis player to close his speech in Murcia yesterday afternoon after seeing him play the day before in Barcelona, ​​at the Trophy Count of Godó Yesterday afternoon, the leader of the PP had already returned to Catalonia, where he has spent three days of pre-campaigning. It was time to support the head of the ranks of the party in Castelldefels, Manuel Reyes. Here, Feijóo, in a minor act, was hard on Pedro Sánchez. He accused him of being at the head of a Government “with ministers who are on the run” who star in “a reality show of boos, breaks and reconciliations”.

Feijóo went into the wound opened to the Government by the dissensions in Moncloa between the PSOE and Unides Podemos. “Ministers cannot be arguing with each other every day; they cannot vote against each other”, said the leader of the PP. De Sánchez regretted that, in his opinion, the Council of Ministers does not decide or control: “It must govern, and to govern is to decide, and to decide is to wear out so that your country does not wear out.”

“The president chooses his ministers, names them and dismisses them; there cannot be ministers with a guaranteed position”, he added in a clear reference to the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, who promoted the law of only yes is yes, but also Vice President Yolanda Díaz. And it is that Feijóo emphasized that there cannot be ministers “or vice-presidents” in the Spanish Executive who “have created a party”, Sumar, to “take votes from the President of the Government” and who have created a “different party to this one who appointed her vice-president of the Government”, with reference to Podemos.

That the PSOE and the PP fight is not new. Yes, it is if both agree to rectify initiatives. The socialists counter-reformed the only yes is yes law that had been promoted by United We Can through Minister Irene Montero. A step back that also seems to be happening to the PP: the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, opened up on Friday to rectify the plans for Doñana. It clashed not only against the Government, but against Europe. Multiple collision.

However, Feijóo also attacked Sánchez’s announcement to finance up to 43,000 social rental homes at affordable prices. For the popular leader “in the matter of housing, Sánchez is re-promising what he promised five years ago” and affirmed that ERC and EH Bildu dictated to the Prime Minister their policies in this matter. Sánchez “is a bargain” for Republicans and Abertzales, he said.

Be that as it may, if Feijóo made a stop in Castelldefels to support Reyes it is not by chance. The Popular have serious options to get the mayor of a city of 67,000 inhabitants where they have won the last three municipal contests. Reyes was already mayor from 2011 to 2015, but he stopped being mayor eight years ago thanks to left-wing alliances. “Castelldefels is a troubled city because (…) it has gotten used to voting well, but it is badly governed because those who lose come together”, summed up Alejandro Fernández, president of the PP in Catalonia. Today it is governed by María Asunción Miranda, of the PSC.

The PP assures that by May 28 they are close to the absolute majority, which are thirteen representatives. Today the party has eight councillors. Almost ten, because the two from Ciutadans, Guillermo Massana and María Cristina Corona, have signed for the popular ones to make a place for them in the blue candidacy.

Only Badalona, ​​with more than 217,000 inhabitants, surpasses the ambition of the popular to obtain a baton of municipal command in Catalonia. Xavier García Albiol – also present at the event in Castelldefels – is the most likely candidate, after being evicted by a motion of no confidence in 2021. Gimenells and Portons, the only two PP fiefdoms in Catalonia, barely exceed the 1,600 citizens.

There is another fact that is not minor to assess the presence of Feijóo in Castelldefels. Manuel Reyes, also provincial president of the PP in Barcelona, ​​sounded as a substitute for the leader of the party in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, present at the event on Saturday, before Pablo Casado fell.

Today, Feijóo will celebrate Sant Jordi in the streets of Barcelona. Of course, he is confident that it will be as long as Alcaraz wins on the court.