The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, visited this Wednesday some of the affected areas in Asturias by the more than 120 forest fires that devastated the Principality last week, and in addition to showing his solidarity with those affected, his visit served to reproach the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, his different yardstick when forest fires occur in an autonomous community governed by the PP, than when the fires occur in autonomies governed by the PSOE.

For this reason, the leader of the PP asked Pedro Sánchez “not to do partisan politics with the fires”, not to do “demagogy”, because “you cannot go to an autonomous community governed by the PP and say that the The problem is negligence and the lack of resources”, making the president, of the PP, responsible for what happened, and then “going to a community governed by the PSOE and saying that the fires are the consequence of climate change and arsonists”

Hence, the president of the PP asks the president of the Government “a little respect for the territories and a little respect for the intelligence of the citizens”, because “it is not reasonable for a president to differentiate between the political color of the place where fires occur”, as it is not reasonable, he said, that in some cases the culprit is “the lack of means, the lack of prevention, the lack of cleanliness and the lack of budget and in others the culprit is climate change or arson activity”.

Feijóo refers, although he did not quote him, to the words of the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, last year, when due to a fire in Castilla y León he accused Alfonso Fernández Mañueco of being responsible for his lack of means and budgets. Although Sánchez and Mañueco later met and agreed to remove the fires from the party struggle, in the debate on the Vox motion to Pedro Sánchez, last month, the President of the Government put the Government of Castilla y León back, in an attempt of attacking the PP and Vox executive, as an example of responsibility in forest fires. While both in the Valencian Community, with the fire in Castellón ten days ago, and in Asturias, with the multiple fires last week, both governed by the PSOE, he blamed either climate change or human activity.

Feijóo also tried in his statements already made in Gijón, to lend a cable to the farmers and ranchers in the burned areas, after they have been pointed out as possible perpetrators of the fires. He showed his solidarity to all of them and asked for “immediate” aid to deal with the damage suffered, while he had words of gratitude for “the brigade members and firefighters” who worked on the fires.

Feijóo, however, recognized “the obvious risk” that exists in the current situation for fires such as the one in Asturias or the one in Castellón to occur and for this reason he asked that “we be prepared”, given the complexity of the fires, and that requires , in his opinion, prevention, means of extinction, planning and investigation when the other elements fail.

Feijóo asked for unity to deal with these fires, starting with the urgent call of the sectoral commission that brings together all the regional councilors and the central government, to face the summer campaign. The pp will also request the appearance of the Minister of Ecological Transition, to explain the means available to the State and the budget it has.

In his statements in Gijón, the president of the PP also referred to the political situation, and more after the presentation of the Sumar platform by Yolanda Díaz, which in his opinion means that “the Government has ceased to be a government”. to become “a grouping of political interests and supporters”. And it is that for Feijóo, when in a government there are two people who want to be presidents, that is when it ceases to be a government.

A government, moreover, that is no longer bipartisan, of PSOE and Podemos, but of PSOE, Podemos and Sumar, which in turn brings together about 15 parties. That is why Feijóo offers his alternative, which means “making a government with a president, who has a party and a parliamentary group with which laws can be approved”, and that it is not necessary to “dedicate prison policy” to getting Bildu’s vote , nor “surrender the territorial organization of the state to the ERC independentistas.” As an example, Andalusia, where Feijóo was yesterday, and Galicia, where he will spend a few days resting, and where Juanma Moreno governs and has ruled “himself until a year ago, and his successor, Alfonso Rueda, continues to do so with an absolute majority.