Peter Falktoft, Geggo and Cengiz tones for the time forward on Instagram with a glowing aggregate in the mouth.

It is not a new modedille, but a device for at-home teeth whitening.

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the Product, Smilebright, sold in Europe, however, can damage teeth, warns overtandlæge of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen, Ulla Pallesen.

Smilebright states with Falktoft showcased that blegemidlet not damage the enamel. Photo: Smilebright

She says that new studies demonstrate that Smilebrights bleaching substance, natriumchlorit, also used in other similar makes makes the enamel more susceptible to wear.

– It is unfortunate, especially when blegemidlets effect is so intolerable, that the treatment often needs to be repeated, she says.

the Enamel is a millimeter thin coating that protects the more fragile tandben.

– If you already have worn enamel, for example, as a result of a large consumption of soft drinks, the enamel could completely disappear, she says.

Ulla Pallesen has examined Smilebrights product and may find that blegemidlet affects the gums and easy flow out of the rail.

Thus, the consumer can also get to take geleen.

– It is problematic when you do not have sufficient knowledge of the product any side effects on soft tissue, she says.

When dentists whitens teeth, using the a rail, which encloses the teeth, so the bleaching substance is not in contact with the gums.

Ulla Pallesen shakes his head over Smilebrights LED-light, which she describes as a useless gimmick.

– That the light from the lamps should have an impact to the initiation of bleaching, several studies have shown not to be the case, she says.

See also: Climate-hypocrite: So much mess Falktofts SUV

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from Peter Falktoft, Geggo and Cengiz. the

Cengiz writes in an email that he did not want to comment.

Smilebright: It does not harm

Ekstra Bladet has spoken with the director of Smilebright ApS, Emil Schmidt, who only want to match on the Extra’s questions in writing.

In an email rejecting Emil Schmidt, to Smilebrights bleaching substance, natriumchlorit, can have a damaging effect.

‘There is as yet no adequate scientific studies that demonstrate that some of the ingredients we use would be harmful to the enamel of the quantities, we recommend’, writes Emil Schmidt in an email.

– Why do the seller Of a product, where it is still unknown whether it is harmful to the soft tissue?

‘There is no well documented study indicating that the ingredients we have in the Smilebright, would be harmful’.

– Why should your clients use the LED lamp when the light has no effect on the bleaching?

‘It is true that the light does not have any proven effect on the bleaching’.

‘We write nor do any sites, that the light in our product have any effect on the bleaching’, writes the director.