A 23-year-old woman from Odense gave up his apartment, which she never returned, and all his belongings after a brutal rape 10. October of last year. She was threatened with two knives of her rapist, who held the one knife against her throat and said she should die if she did not take his pants off.

Her rapist was the 34-year-old Ambrose Makabala, who came to Denmark from Uganda as eight-year-old, and the Court of Frederiksberg has now sentenced him to detention for an indefinite time for the rape in Odense and even a serious rape committed in an apartment in the suburbs of Brønshøj 11 days earlier.

Here was a young woman caught in the shoulder and the hair and ordered to keep the mouth shut, while Ambrose Makabala threatened to beat her and her family to death. He pushed her down on the bed, held her fast and carried out the rape.

Both of the rapes were committed, while Ambrose Makabala was on the run from the closed retspsykiatriske department at Sankt Hans Hospital in Roskilde, where he was domsanbragt for three hjemmerøverier committed in the Games in 2014. The victims were threatened with being ’choppet’ or get the clip off fingers.

After the pre-trial detention for the rapes was Ambrose Makabala subject to a new mentalundersøgelse, which showed that he was no longer insane, but fit for jail. Retslægerådet recommended custody for an indefinite time, because the 34-year-old is so personlighedsforstyrret and dangerous, that custody is required to prevent new personfarlig crime.

See also: Suspected rapist has escaped from the psychiatric hospital

A unanimous jury in Frederiksberg well-known Makabala guilty. He refuses and appealed against on the ground of the acquittal. The 34-year-old acknowledges that he had sexual intercourse with both women, but that it happened entirely voluntary.

Nævningetinget stated that the women’s explanations were detailed and credible, and they were supported by witnesses and technical evidence. Among other things, Ambrose Makabalas dna found on the two knives in the apartment in Odense, which the woman in a panic, had hidden under the mattress and the pillow in his bed, because she feared that her rapist would return.

In the earlier judgment of hjemmerøverier was Ambrose Makabala sentenced to three longer sentences and three behandlingsdomme for the four conditions of robbery and violence, two cases of extortion and two cases of vidnetrusler.

Already, according to the judgment of hjemmerøverier he was expelled for good, and the Court of Frederiksberg reiterated the expulsion by the judgment of the rapes.

he was Previously both been conditionally and unconditionally expelled, but the expulsion was lifted up because of the mental illness, he at that time led by.

But he continued to commit crime and got two more judgments with the suspended expulsions within the trap clapped in earnest after hjemmerøverierne.

The two women, who both are hard mental the mark of the rapes, each received dkk 100,000. in damages.

The first rape happened the 29. september 2018 at 06 o’clock in the morning, after a young woman had been bad in the city, and drove home in a taxi together with two friends – but she wondered about that also Ambrose Makabala was with in the taxi.

All four went up in the woman’s apartment, and she went to bed, when she still had it bad. The two acquaintances left while the apartment, and left her alone with the 34-year-old.

He grabbed hold of her and said she should shut up, as she resisted, after which he raped her.

After the rape called the woman to her friend, who had been with on the night, and crying hysterically, gasped for breath and said she had been raped. She asked, also how they could leave her alone in the apartment with the 34-year-old.

The next rape happened 10. October approximately at. 01.30 in Odense, where there was held a party in the 23-year-old woman’s apartment. Ambrose Makabala put the lead on her, but she rejected him, and since all the guests were gone, he came back 15-20 minutes after. She said she was tired and went to bed, but let the man be in the apartment.

Shortly after he sat on her sengekant, and poked at her with two knives in his hands. He held one knife to her throat and said that she was going to die, hvisd she took the pants off of. So he tore all of her clothing and raped her orally and vaginally.

He ran off after the rape, and the 23-year-old contacted a friend, who met her shocked and upset. The 23-year-old wanted to move away from the apartment, and they ran a trip, where she told me that she had been raped.

Since she never returned to the apartment in Odense.

the Day after the rape, called The police Ambrose Makabala publicly and warned the citizens against themselves to take contact to him, because he was labeled as dangerous.

Ambrose Makabala was in addition to the two rapes convicted of violence and threats committed in a hair salon in Vesterbro in Copenhagen together with two unknown medgerningsmænd. A man was forced down in the hairdressing salon, threatened with a gun and got punched in the face.

Ambrose Makabala have been protected by the navneforbud throughout the trial – despite his criminal past – but navneforbuddet is repealed after the verdict Monday.

This is the judgement to the custody

Custody are together with life imprisonment, the maximum prison sentence in Denmark, because it is an indefinite period of time. In the average sitting forvaringsdømte in more than 14 years before they are deemed so harmless that they can be released.

Forvaringsdømte can only be released when they are no longer considered so dangerous that custody is necessary.

Custody is a sentence of imprisonment, and although the forvaringsdømte often need psychological or psychiatric treatment, they are not in the eyes of the law the insanity. Custody must not be confused with a judgment for placement in a psychiatric hospital.

Forvaringsdømte often have a personality, which was previously called the ’psychopath’ or ’karakterafviger’. Custody was introduced in 1973, when the ’psychopath-custody’ was abolished.

most is serving the sentence at the institution at Herstedvester is a closed state prison, but also an institution for the mentally aberrant.

A criminal can only be sentenced to custody after penal code section 70, if three requirements are met:

1. He is guilty of killing (or attempt), robbery, deprivation of liberty, serious violence, life threats, arson, rape or other serious sexforbrydelse.

2. He must present a ’clear risk’ for others ‘ life, body, health or freedom.

3. Custody instead of imprisonment deemed necessary to prevent this danger.

the Prosecution has a duty to keep an eye on, a sentence of custody does not last longer than necessary. It is the court which by order shall determine whether the forvaringsdømte must be released. It happens after a recommendation from the prison, the prosecution and a psychiatric assessment of the offender’s dangerousness.

A forvaringsdømt has the right to apply for release.

One study showed that in the period 1984 to 1994 was a forvaringsdømt an average of seven years and 10 months in prison. Afsoningstiden is later increased to an average of 14 years and seven months in prison.

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