The current general secretary of the PSE-EE, Eneko Andueza, is the only pre-candidate who has presented himself to the primary process launched by his party to elect the candidate for lehendakari. As expected, the socialist leader has a clear path to run for the first time in elections to the Basque Parliament. Meanwhile, in the PP everything indicates that Javier de Andrés will be the only candidate to preside over the party in Euskadi and, consequently, to run as a candidate for lehendakari, two issues that in the case of the popular ones, without bicephaly in the formation, they go together.

In this way, in the absence of the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, announcing the date of the next elections to the Basque Parliament, the parties are revealing their cards. In the case of socialists and popular ones, there is no longer room for doubt. The PNV, meanwhile, has not yet revealed what his bet will be, although everything indicates that Urkullu will run for his fourth term.

EH Bildu, for its part, has not revealed whether it will bet on its general coordinator, Arnaldo Otegi, as a candidate or if it will seek a more transversal bet. Podemos, finally, has not yet activated the internal mechanisms to designate its candidate, although Miren Gorrotxategi, its spokesperson in the Basque Parliament, has run for this challenge and it is more than likely that she will repeat as a candidate.

In the case of the PSE, the Electoral Guarantees Commission of Euskadi announced yesterday that it has registered a single pre-candidacy for the election of the candidate for the Lehendakaritza, that of Eneko Andueza, who this Wednesday delivered the required documentation.

The deadline to present candidatures has closed at 3:00 p.m. this Wednesday and now the general secretary of the PSE-EE must obtain the endorsement of at least 6% of the militancy registered in the census and provide them before 3:00 p.m. on October 18 to be able to acquire candidate status.

If a single candidate is definitively proclaimed on the 20th, the National Commission of Electoral Guarantees will proceed to proclaim him as a socialist candidate for the Lehendakaritza.

In the Basque PP, meanwhile, they assume that the candidate will be Javier de Andrés, as the popular Basques and the party leadership in Madrid have agreed.

The general secretary of the Basque PP, Laura Garrido, endorsed this Tuesday De Andrés as a candidate for the presidency of the Basque Popular Party, settling speculation about the possibility of him running, something that was on the table this summer.

“At this crucial moment we must form a strong party and offer Basque society an ambitious, close and honest project,” he said on social networks.

Thus, De Andrés will most likely be the only candidate to attend the regional congress that the popular party will hold in November.