Ebbe Sand has remained silent since he left Brøndby in the middle of July last year, but now he takes the leaf from the mouth.

the 47-year-old Ebbe Sand stopped as sports in Brøndby, the 10. July after a uskønt scenario in which he could read in Ekstra Bladet, Carsten V. Jensen was on the way in as his replacement. Brøndby has acknowledged that it is not so pretty out, and that they would like to have kept the Ebbe Sand, who was offered a different role at the club.

he thanked outright no to.

in return, he thanked yes, when he this week was offered the job as assistant national coach, and thus have Ebbe Sand for an exciting spring. The time in denmark is parked into oblivion.

– I have it good. I have tried to turn it into something positive, for if I had not stopped in Brøndby, I had never got the here with the national team, and I’m really looking forward to. That is not something that is so bad, that it is not good for anything, says Ebbe Sand to the advice.dk.

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Ebbe Sand will assist Åge Hareide, and thus has a view to an exciting spring. Photo: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau Scanpix.

How do you look back on your last time in Brøndby?

– It was not the ending I had expected. It could certainly have been handled better, but I would like to state that I am not some bitter man. Brøndby is still my club in Denmark, and I wish them all the best.

What could have been handled better, quite specifically?

– I would like to have been involved in what was going on. It is never nice when that leaking something to the media, which should not have been it. I could read in the paper that Carsten V. Jensen was on his way to take over my job. I’d like to been apart.

– But Brøndby is in its good right to point to a new man for the job, and I know the ‘CV’ as a really great fodboldmand, so it’ll be good for Brøndby in the future. It is the way it was done that irks me.

Have you spoken with Jan Bech Andersen subsequently?

– No, I have not.

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– of Course I put myself down with Jan at a time and talk it all through, says Ebbe Sand. Photo: Henning Hjorth.

Because you do not have the desire to speak with him?

– It is not the case, that I am not welcome in Jan, if I meet him. There are a some things that I regret greatly, but if I look away from completion, I had a good and exciting time in Brøndby. Of course I put myself down with Jan at a time and talk it all through.

You were offered a new job in Mcdonalds why thanked you no?

– It had something to do with the way it all was handled. I was mega disappointed and could not see myself continue in Brøndby in any role. But now I look forward, and if you pull the last eight days out of the equation, I am very happy for my time in Brøndby, ending Ebbe Sand.

Ebbe Sand got a half years as sports in Brøndby, where he replaced Troels Bech.

Landsholdsfodbold – 17. jan. 2020 – pm. 09:56 Ebbe Sand is Hareides new man

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