Eagle mobile-surfed for a fortune

Russian scientists, who researches steppeørnens whereabouts, got a shock when they were presented with a staggering phone bill, who had exhausted their entire research budget.

the Scientists had set the sending equipment with mobile telephony at 13 steppeørnes bodies in order to follow their movements in the Russian wilderness. In summer, usually the eagles namely to fly to southern Russia or Kazakhstan. But one of the eagles, which was called My, flew all the way to Iran. And it cost expensive.

It writes multiple media including the BBC and the Independent.

the Transmitter-equipped eagles was designed so that there periodically had to be sent sms’s, so you could follow watching eagles in the coordinates. However, since the eagle Mine flew to Iran began the turnstile to be heated. Russia has no roaming agreement with Iran, and there was poor mobile coverage.

As the eagle My left Iran got the researchers, therefore, suddenly, four months of total smses from the transmitter-equipped on Mins body at the same time. And each sms cost 5 crowns.

– Min sent us countless expensive sms with its coordinates and used our entire budget for all 13 of the eagles all alone, explains the researcher Elena Schnieder to the BBC.

After the economic shocks, researchers were forced to start a collection to pay the astronomical telephone bill.

the Story had a happy ending. When the Russian phone operator Megafon heard the extraordinary story of the eagle Mine, they decided to cancel the debt. And the researchers were simultaneously introduced a special eagles-mobile-tariff in connection with the rest of the eagles project.

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