DMI: the Snow fails to appear in years

If you like snow and cold, you need to look extra long with the white snowflakes rest of the year.

DMI informs namely to Ekstra Bladet, that there is no view of the snow and cold the rest of the year.

rather than expecting that it will be a relatively mild november, while the temperature in december will also be a few degrees higher than you usually see.

– I can confirm that there is some prospects for snowy weather the rest of the year. On the contrary, it will be roughly the same type of weather as the one we see at the moment, says vaghavende meteorologist at DMI, Steen Hermansen Extra Magazine.

Why is it not the hat and the gloves, which you must find the next piece of time. Thus, there is no prospect of a white christmas in Denmark, as most might hope for.

– It will be mild and relatively gray with some passing rain showers here and there, so there is not some significant kuldefremstød on the way.

– We will typically come to see temperatures of around 3-8 degrees the rest of the year, and the temperature will be a few degrees above what else you can expect in december, says Steen Hermansen.

DMI oplser at the same time, the temperature of the rest of the week will be between 6-10 degrees. At the same time, it will be overcast with a risk of continuous rain.

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