Death-planes can be in the air again in January

Boeing expects to have 737 MAX aircraft on the wings again in January. It grants the american aircraft manufacturer on Monday.

737 MAX aircraft has since march been subject to the no-fly zone over the whole world because of two fatal accidents in Indonesia, and Ethiopia.

the Accidents happened within five months, costing a total of 346 people life.

Boeing has previously stated that the two plane crashes were caused by a failure in the activation of the aircraft’s MCAS-function. It is an automatic anti-stall system, which is intended to prevent the aircraft loses its buoyancy.

the System is new, and it has been criticized that the pilots have not been well enough trained in it.

Boeing said Monday that the company is working to get the final approvals from the competent authorities of the updated training requirements for the pilots and of the software that is installed in the aircraft.

Friday, two u.s. carriers, American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, that they will extend the suspension of the disputed aircraft until march 2020.

This is because it will take at least a month to teach the pilots and install the modified software.

Boeing announces on Monday that the delivery of aircraft to the carriers that have ordered the new 737 MAX aircraft, can begin in december.

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