When the police patrol at the weekend, often face many remarkable situations.

Thus, also in the upcoming episode of ‘Caught on police camera’, where the police encounter a bunch of spirited young people, which are not fully respecting the traffic laws.

-The two young guys sitting out of the side windows in the rear. They sit so that they can use the roof as a table, where they sit with each their beers and bowls inundated, explains the policewoman Steen Erik Hansen about the incident.

the Car they’re sitting in is accelerating at the same time, to over 80 kilometres an hour, and it makes the situation highly dangerous for the frisky lads.

– If one of them falls off at the speed, well, then, I dare not think what may happen, says Steen Erik Hansen.

You can see the dangerous situation in the video above the article.

See more crazy situations from the Danish roads in the ‘Caught on police camera’ every Tuesday at 20 on Channel 5 as well as on the Dplay.

In a previous section of the program helped this driver, who drove 140 kilometers per hour with the foot yd of the window. Video: Discovery Networks Denmark

See also: Madness at the Danish highway: Running 140 km/h with the foot out of the window