The Danish singer and radio host Karen Rosenberg has had to lie down more or less constantly since last Friday, because she is affected by the infektionssygdommen borrelia, which occurs at the tick bite.
she writes on Instagram.
‘I have been down since last Friday – basically. Brief and boiled down, I have had the poor in a period of time and last week I got diagnosed Borrelia. So now I’m on a long pencillinkur and got on Friday made a lumbar puncture, which takes some of the rygmarvsvæsken out to see if Borreliaen has evolved to be neurological’, she writes on social media, where she continues.
‘It’ll get a really nasty headache of, specially when you are vertical. The first and important figures look fine. Good sign. So I cross to the next test results, must also is fine and that I will get better. So how is I in my country just for the time being. In a dark room. With a bright mind.’
See also: Danish singer has found love again: – Everything is a game great.
Karen Rosenberg, who is probably best known only as Karen, broke through in 2000 with the r’n’b-the album ‘one to One’. She has since released two more albums. In 2014 she debuted as an actress when she got the lead role in Jonas Elmer’s film ‘A second life’.
today, she works as a host on P8 Jazz, and who get the disease importance in the near future, she says.
‘It means that I do not send in this week every day on P8 Jazz, which I otherwise had to have done, and that I’m also not doing ‘falling in Love with Jazz’ on Sunday. But I hope and trust that I’m ready again the next week’, sounds it on Instagram.
Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from Karen Rosenberg.
Borrelia infection
Infection with Borrelia can give different symptoms. The early infection, the first stage show within weeks after infection with a characteristic red, well-defined skin rash around bidstedet that spreads (erythema migrans).
In the second stage, the infection can spread from bidstedet to other organs, such as the brain (neuroborreliose). The symptoms of neuroborreliose shows itself typically as headaches and neck/rygstivhed and radiating nerve pain or muskellammelser, typically in the face.
Borrelia infection is transmitted only by tick bite, and is transmitted between people.
Source: Statens Serum Institut