Danish firefighters moved out 567 times new year’s eve

new year’s Eve and night, has been extremely busy for the country’s municipal forces, who have moved out 567 times.

17 times firefighters have been attacked with fireworks.

It shows a inventory, as the Danish emergency response has issued early Wednesday morning in a press release.

The many friends has happened between noon new year’s eve and at 04.00 early morning 1. January.

– We hope always at a quiet new year, so our firefighters can enjoy the cake at midnight. In the year of our firefighters, however, had very much to see to in nytårsdøgnet, says Cecilie Hedegaard Petersen, who is a journalist at the Danish emergency response.

According to the Danish emergency response it is a rule of thumb, beredskaberne move out 400 times on an average new year’s eve and night.

At the 567 friends have more than 1800 firefighters have been started – some, however, are recidivists, which has been off by several friends.

the Danish emergency response takes the attacks with fireworks at firefighters very seriously, informs the organization.

– It is fortunately still a minority, who do not know how to celebrate the new year. We do everything we can to take care of our firefighters, and therefore is fyrværkeriangrebene of course something we take very seriously, says Cecilie Hedegaard Petersen.

Among beredskabernes duties in connection with the new year have been numerous smaller containerbrande. Many of them have, according to the Danish emergency response has been attached.

in Addition, has emergency preparedness been out to a major fire in a grade ii listed building in Svaneke on Bornholm.

Here is the bet early Wednesday morning remains in time to save a part of the building is from the 1700s.

In the more dramatic end, there have also been 49 bilbrande in the free and five fires in motorcycles or mopeds.

the Danish emergency response is an organization for the municipal emergency response in Denmark.

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