After seven years in Sweden moved Keld and Hilda Heick last year home to Denmark, and into their newly built dream house in Trørød.

Although now the pair have been resident in the home country in a year and a half, thinking they are still often on how nice it is to be back.

– We enjoy simply how to be moved back to Denmark. It is so nice to be home again. You have Danish roots, and you are a dane, so it is just so wonderful. That is the difference between the danes and the swedes, says Hilda, who elaborates:

– If you say that it must be in a certain way, then the question is, as a dane: Why? As a swede says to just: Yes. The nod just.

– They are very politically correct, and they think that we danes are a little naughty. They are much more straight forward than the danes. So it’s just great to be back home, ” continues Suzanne.

See also: Annette Heick infecting the children

The popular couple is currently spending all of their time to sing christmas check:

– We sing christmas carols, so we are all blue in the head. That’s how it is at this time of year. So it is most julearrangementer we are busy from now until 15.-16. december. But we have it good and are happy and satisfied. My favorite christmas song is ‘Christmas tree with its ornaments’. It is the one of the old, classic, Danish songs. There is so much christmas in it. The I love, says Hilda.

– I have many favorites, but I really like the ‘Feliz Navidad’. Especially the one with Michael Buble. So I am completely delivered. It is a wonderful tune, and he sings just so it melts completely, add Keld with a smile.

See also: Keld and Hilda surprises: It will now