There is no doubt that the honest and crude, Tina Broby Hansen, 47, from the Frederiksberg have luck when it comes to getting the fingers in the young guys.

IN the DR3 program, ‘Cougar hunting Young man looking for mature woman’ tells Tina open, she turns on the young guys in the age between 18-30 years, and that the interest from the guys certainly reciprocated.

Tina has had many wild experiences with young men who most often call her mommy during sex. Photo: Linda Johanen

While some may not find the time to dating life in a busy everyday life, the situation is different for Tina, who, in his young age, is førtidspensionist.

I have never been married, but I have had several boyfriends who were not particularly good for me. My daughter’s father was unstable, so we broke when our daughter was only two months old. Then I found a man who was five years older than me, who had a lot of money and a private company. He exposed me to psychological violence, Tina explains, and continues:

At last he filled everything in my head, and I suffered a severe depression, so I smoke a year in the psychiatric unit and was given 28 electroshock. I just sat and looked into a wall, and you could not reach me. It is, therefore, that I am førtidspensionist today. I also have the game bad memory after the trip.

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– Fortunately I did not go back to him after the game. I was too sick to, and I spent many years to build myself up. My daughter of smoke also at the orphanage, because she could not stay with me in the period. It is something of the hardest thing that ever happened to me, for I could not even fathom to visit her, so bad I had it, explains Tina, however, eventually got fought themselves back on track.

Tina looking not for a girlfriend, but she must have, he must be at her own age, as young guys should be allowed to be young. Photo: Linda Johansen

My daughter and I got an apartment in Copenhagen NV subsequent. It is some of the happiest time I have had in my life. I came, however, early retirement because I could not return to the labour market. It was back in 2002. I get still an antidepressant and going for interviews, because I have a tendency to depression after the severe place, she explains.

Tina worked as a arkitektsekretær, before she was førtidspensionist. Since then she has kept themselves occupied by doing different forms of volunteer work. In addition, she explains, she gets the days to go with to be convenient at home just like everyone else. She just does it slower.

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There is no doubt that Tina’s past has been extreme, not least for both her and her daughter. However, it has also done, that the mother and daughter have had difficulty agreeing.

My daughter, Mia, is today 24 years old. I do not know, however, what she says to that I am with in the program, for I have not spoken with her in four years. I do not actually know why she’s pissed or doesn’t want contact, but I think that I am too much. I’m probably not mother-like enough, says Tina explains:

– I can remember that she said to me at one point that she thought I was creepy because I had been with a young guy in our apartment. There she was 16-17 years old and had a guy overnight, and so I think that it had to go both ways in relation to garden bedfellows.

– I do not like that the children may know that you have sex, but of course you should not do it in front of them and spare them for the sounds. But for one reason or another, my daughter pulled away from me, and it is also o.k. I did also from my own mother in a period of time, so hopefully it changes at some point, she adds.

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Tina is in general very open about his sexual life with the younger guys, but when she was offered to participate in the DR3 program, she did do a little extra reflection about what her peers would say.

– I have a fairly small circle with few, but good friends, and the only one that I just had to have an approval before I said yes to participate in the program, was my older brother. It was important for me that he could accept it, Tina explains.

He said that he would not see the program, but he was fine with that I was with. I would like to have my back free, and his opinion is important to me, she adds.

Tina lives alone with his two birds in his apartment in Frederiksberg, she hopes, however, that she and her daughter can one day find the melody again. Photo: Linda Johansen.

You can find Tina in the program ‘Cougar hunting Young man looking for mature woman’, as can be seen in modern