The socialist candidate for the mayor of Barcelona thinks that BComú and ERC are caught in a contradiction, that they are sure that decline marks the path of development. “We don’t – said until recently the first deputy mayor of the government of Mayoress Ada Colau-. At the PSC we believe that economic growth is the way to combat social inequalities”.

Jaume Collboni took part yesterday in the sixth of the colloquia with the main mayors who these weeks set up the Barcelona Restoration Guild, the trade association Barcelona Oberta and La Vanguardia. For the first time, the library of the Cotton House Hotel was filled (they had to bring more chairs). And the one from the PSC was also the first to arrive late, and also the one who stayed the longest after talking to the people. Mayoress Colau will come next week.

Twice he said that of “my ex-partners”, the second time with shame, emphasizing it, despite the fact that the socio-common executive still governs this city, in order to mark even more that of his own profile.

And thanks to these specific needs of every minority partner, that of the PSC was the one that expressed itself with the least ambiguity of all the candidates who came through. And behind the scenes as the most optimistic. “My conditions are: economic growth to combat inequality. And this involves expanding the airport. And how? Over the sea, on land…? This decision corresponds to the technicians”. And, in addition, “govern while keeping loyalty to the State and the European institutions”.

The opening hours of the terraces? Also, punctually. “I would make an ode to the terraces, they are a reflection of the Mediterranean way of life”. Their rates are also reviewable, but not as much. “And in Ciutat Vella we must recover that pact of the eighties that made it possible to transform it”. And the Rambla cannot be under construction for seven years. “We must reform it in one mandate”. And anticipating the thoughts of more than one of the businessmen present, Collboni hastened to say that of course the City Council can speed up these works, but that for this it needs the corresponding budgetary support.

It was the last message to BComú and ERC, in their successive budget pacts.