The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has denounced today that “Sánchez has created the water debt with the Valencian Community” and has announced that his Government “will deploy all possible legal actions to defend the irrigators of the Community against indiscriminate cuts of water by the central government.

The popular leader and new head of the Consell has stated this after learning that the central government has reduced the transfer from 20 to 15 cubic hectometres “for the third consecutive month”. Mazón has always made water one of his workhorses.

“We are not going to tolerate that the water that our land needs continue to be cut without technical foundations and only for political reasons. It is no longer a ninguneo, it is an insult due to the levels of injustice that it entails for the interests and for the agriculture of the Valencian Community”, the president of the Generalitat assured in a statement.

Mazón has affirmed that “from all areas of the Valencian Community, both political and social and business, we will continue to defend what is justice for this land and we will not stop no matter how much they continue to punish us from the Government of Sánchez”.

“The debt due to regional underfinancing is now joined by the water debt with our land and with our irrigators and we are not going to tolerate it. We have a new enemy and we are going to defend the interests of the people of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón from these injustices”, stated President Mazón.

Faced with these accusations, the trustee of the PSPV-PSOE in Les Corts, Rebeca Torró, has asked the president of the Generalitat “how dare he speak of the Tajo-Segura transfer when it was the PP who had it closed for a year”. “The PP adds up and continues with lies,” she stressed.

The socialist leader has remarked that while the former president of the Government Mariano Rajoy “cut the flow of the transfer to 826 hectometres”, the central government and the former head of the Consell, Ximo Puig, “increased it to 1,230”. “Less words and more deeds, which is what we socialists do when we govern,” she stressed, as reported by the party in a statement.