Broad agreement on the means to vindmøllenaboer on the way

the Government and a broad majority in the Danish Parliament is, according to Ritzaus information on the road with an agreement that will provide better conditions for neighbours to wind turbines and municipalities, where it will set up wind turbines.

It also means that neighbours to wind turbines will have the right to sell their house to the developer.

the Agreement will be presented later on Tuesday.

the Climate was decisive at the general election earlier in the year. It was here that the government and its supporting parties agreed that Denmark should reduce its CO2 emission by 70 percent towards 2030.

the Alternative has long been the objective and subsequently have both Left, Conservative, Liberal Alliance and the Danish people’s Party also endorsed the goal.

the Government has put up for an initial effort to achieve this goal in several steps.

First it was money in the budget. Before christmas, a klimalov be finished. The need to put the legal and administrative framework for future work.

in the spring the government will present its first klimahandlingsplan, to put real action behind the words and deliver the actions that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, realigns industries and puts Denmark in a greener direction.

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