Bob is 102 years – now he goes on pension

The absolutely oldest state in the whole of the u.s. state of Indiana has long been called Bob Vollmer.

Through nearly six decades, the older gentleman worked as a surveyor at Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

It writes NBC.

Bob Vollmer was a soldier in the Second world War, and in 1952 he finished a training as bioteknolog at Purdue University. In 1962, he was employed by the state, and since then he has worked with to collect data and record limits for state-owned grounds. But now, he says, is the body beginning to tell him that it is time to retire.

– I think the body tells when it is time. The doctors tell me that it is one of the reasons that I’m still working. I have good lungs, says Bob Vollmer.

He has now decided that the last day of work as a surveyor becomes 6. February.

He plans to use his pensionsår to get read a lot and to grow her own farm. Also does he dream about traveling to French Polynesia, which he knows from his time in the army.

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