Being Catalan should not be exhausting

Like prominent pro-independence figures, I am reaching a strange state of mind: being Catalan is exhausting. It’s clear that I’m no use, I get tired.

Last Sunday, election day, some individuals stole forty meters of copper from the railway wiring, with the bad luck of choosing a strategic point: four fires and half the network paralyzed.

The 7th Cavalry enters the scene, blowing a bugle:

– Perfidious Spain!

Before knowing the details and without waiting for anything, the two major pro-independence parties that speak on behalf of all of Catalonia (35% of the vote) are asking for the election day to be extended. Listen, the schools are just a stone’s throw from our homes…

Of course, not a hint of reflection on the anomaly of the fact that almost half of the thefts of this nature occur in Catalonia and by 2023 they will reach 151 cases. Man, I say that stealing, storing and selling this material so easily – with the consequent damage to the train service – admits to questioning the police action, which corresponds to the Mossos and not to the Navarre provincial police…

That’s all: there is nothing in Catalonia that is not susceptible to being turned into a grievance, a slander or a discussion, terrain in which pro-independence fellow citizens are unbeatable. They take the juice out of everything! It seems that they like to live like this, sulking, solemnly indeed.

For a few years now, being Catalan forces you to live in a state of guard. You have to pay attention to whether you say good morning in Spanish or Catalan, you have to exaggerate about other people’s things and apologize for your own failures, such as institutional degradation or the way you play constantly with what favors or harms economic growth. It all depends and depends…

The process is over, but not processivism, a way of understanding life that, applied to politics, leads to journeys to nowhere. Even the framework that could unite us all Catalans – Europe – does not seem to matter, and poor what it says that if you love Europe so much stop harming it with your illusions. If even being Galician is more relaxed!

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