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the Case of the deputy badmintonlandstræner Kim Nielsen, who according to the media were fired because of inappropriate behavior, when now up at the ministerial level.

minister of Culture, Joy Mogensen (S) will convene the Danish sports confederation (DIF) and Team Denmark to a meeting in order to ensure that something is done about the problem.

Especially with the thought that a big scandal about the controversial training methods from 2003 to 2012 in Dansk Svømmeunion rolled earlier in the year.

– I think it is worrying that after svømmesagen comes yet another case – this time on the badminton – about the culture in the Danish elite sport.

– There are very many children and young people who spend a lot of time and look up to people in the here environments. Although there may be a hard jargon, it is really important that we know each other’s limits and respects them, says the minister for culture.

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JoyMogensen call a meeting. Photo: Jens Dresling

Kim Nielsen was, according to the newspaper Politiken and TV2 among others, have asked the female players, whether they had had a cock in the weekend. Photo: Mathias Christensen

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According to several sources, as the TV2 Sport and Politiken has spoken with, was Kim Nielsen fired by the badmintonforbundet, because he had behaved inappropriate towards the female badminton players on The National Elitetræningscenter in Brøndby.

Several players alleged to have left the centre by the same cause.

– It makes a great impression on me, when it comes forward in this way. I do not know the specific case, but I will take the initiative to a meeting to follow up on the study on culture and wellbeing in the elitetræningsmiljøer.

the Minister believes that it is too early to assess whether there is a general problem in the Danish elite sport.

– I know the DIF and Team Denmark is already working on a samfundsansvarlig way, but it seems just for there to be some cases dripping now.

– instead of waiting if there will be more, we must try to ensure that we have a unified approach and to make sure that we take good care of our most talented young athletes, says Joy Mogensen.

There are not yet fixed a date for the meeting between the minister for culture and the organisations, but according to Joy Mogensen gets it within a couple of weeks.

Mia Blichfeldt is among the players who have had Kim Nielsen as coach. Photos: Mark Schiefelbein/Jens Dresling/Ritzau Scanpix

At DIF are considered to be positive, that the minister “is interested in the area”, underlines the managing director Morten Mølholm Hansen.

Idrætsforbundet will take the chance to tell about the studies on well-being and eating disorders in elite sport, which is scheduled to be ready around the turn of the year.

– She is also a new minister, so there will be a good opportunity to tell her about all the things that have been put in place, and which will be put in work around the surveys in order to ensure proper conditions.

– We will also tell her about the briefings we have had in the concrete badmintonsag. That is safe and quiet in the Danish badminton, and it looks as if the badmintonforbundet has made a number of correct things on the field, ” says Mølholm.

He believes that the breakup with Kim Nielsen is an isolated case and not indicative of a larger problem in the badmintonforbundet.

– actually, I think that one must be careful not to over-dramatise it compared to making it a great example of that, here is everything we saw before the summer break (in svømmesagen, red.) a walk to the.

– I think it would be unfair to badmintonforbundet that we overdramatiserer the matter by making it the expression of a larger issue, say the DIF director.

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