Bad news for a million danes: This deduction falls in 2020

Citizens who run long distances by car to and from work, can draw less from your taxes next year. It tells the tax board.

Kørselsfradraget is one of the most used deductions and was in 2018, used by around 1.1 million taxpayers.

– the Rates of both kørselsfradrag and befordringsgodtgørelse going to drop a bit next year.

– It is due to the gasoline prices is expected to be lower in 2020, and that the cars remain longer running on gas mileage, write the chairman of the tax board, Hanne Søgaard Hansen, in a communication.

Where kørselsfradraget in 2019 sounded on 1,98 dollars per. km between 25 and 120 kilometers, will, in 2020, the sounds of 1.96 dollars.

See also: How to become your kørselsfradrag next year

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