As the first us state rejects Texas to take in refugees for the rest of the 2020.

It joins Texas governor Greg Abbott, according to, among others, The Guardian.

the Governor wrote a letter to the u.s. state department, in which he makes precisely this clear, despite the fact that the state historically has embraced many refugees.

A user on twitter has posted the letter from the governor, out on the social media.

the Article continues after the tweetet…

42 of the 50 states so far have otherwise agreed to take in refugees, though the Trump administration has made it possible for states and local areas to reject this.

Texas is the first state to make use of the possibility, while the remaining states have until 21. January to decide.

the State governor Greg Abbott highlights in the letter to secretary Mike Pompeo, that Texas has acted in distress.

Texas has had to deal with an exceedingly large amount of refugees due to a corrupted immigrationssystem, writes Abbott.

– Now the state and its non-profit organizations responsibility to take care of all those who are here already, are further down in the letter.

In the letter, it is apparent, however, that you as a refuge good in the long term can settle in Texas. However, this requires that you have already been residing in another state.

According to The Guardian, Texas resettled 88.300 refugees, which is only surpassed by the state of California.

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