Anne Linnet slaughtered: So miserable!

The Danish star from mali Anne Linnet has just released his debut novel, crime fiction ‘Fucked’, which is about a female companionship in the police, who must solve a murder of a young woman found dead on a path in the vicinity of Elsinore.

But should you believe a reviewer is Linnets novel is not worth spending money on.

According to the Berlingskes reviewer Birgitte Borup is the novel so bad that it only deserves one star out of six. In fact, she thinks not, that the book should have been released in the first place.

Borup highlights at the same time, that crime fiction is poorly written and lacks action.

‘Now, the 66-year-old musician’s appetite for life so drive her to the keyboard, where she has authored her krimidebut with the youthful-sounding title of ‘Fucked’ . The she could with equanimity have failed. It has happened that people with a large, creative talent turns out to have skills in several artistic genres. But Anne Linnet has simply written a crime novel, there is so miserable, that it is inconceivable that it has been released’, she writes among other things about the crime fiction in the notification, and continues:

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‘I must confess that I barely got through the book, if anmeldergerningen had not commanded it, and it seems inconceivable that ‘Fucked’ is written by the woman, who has written the small, poetic gems such as ‘No other dream’ , ‘Aquarium’ and ‘Spring’ . In the latter sings Anne Linnet, as you know, ‘to the time count of the heart beats’. Eternally true, and so much the more reason there is to hope, to Anne Linnet will send its drabsefterforskere early retirement and focus on producing something more wonderful music. ‘Fucked’ is a waste of time, both Anne Linnets and of readers’, writes Berlingskes review on.

Anne Linnet in the summer toured with Sanne Salomonsen and Lis Sørensen. Photo: René Schütze

In connection with the release of ‘Fucked’ have the Anne Linnet told that she needed a break from the music, and that she therefore gave out in the throws of writing.

Anne Linnet has previously published her autobiography ‘Testament’, the collection ‘Twinkle’ and erindringsbogen ‘Where are the dreams from’.

the Musical has Anne Linnet has just completed a sommerturné with Lis Sørensen, Sanne Salomonsen. This november she takes at the same time, with the book edition out on a big christmas tour.

It has at the time of writing not been possible for the Extra Leaf to get a comment from Anne Linnet in connection with the negative review.

See also: Danish singer denies rumors of discord

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