the Municipality want to put my daughter in four years, as I am alenemor to. The municipality do not believe that I can fulfill her needs and do not believe either that my daughter is developing at the pace she should.

My daughter’s kindergarten has made notifications to the municipality, where they write that my daughter can’t figure out how to play with the other children, that she is introspective and seems sad. I have even said to them that it probably is, because the other children tease her, pushes and slaps her. They will not listen to.

my daughter, it has been one long battle with the municipality, the crèche and kindergarten. My question is: Can they just take my daughter?

another thing is that they want me to sign that the placement is voluntary, but I don’t have, that she is being removed, so I will not sign. It is as if they are trying to lure or force me to, that it must be a voluntary placement. They threaten me halfway by saying that I must not see her so much, if it is not a volunteer placement.

over it all and feel very alone. I have, on the one hand, the desire to give up, but inside me, there is also a voice that will fight to the last.

What do you think is the best thing to do in my situation?

It is not the first time I hear that a government closest to exercising a voluntary coercion in the attempt to squeeze the parents for a volunteer placement. It is easiest and cheapest, as the municipality at a volunteer placement, among other things saves the cost of attorney’s fees.

But as long as you disagree in that your daughter should be placed, then you must maintain it. If you do not agree, and the municipality maintains that they will place your daughter, then they must demonstrate and document the case in a different manner, since it must be submitted to the child and ungeudvalget – and you have the right to obtain the appointment of a lawyer!

social Worker Puk Sabber manager the social letterbox. Photo: Jakob Boserup

on your rights to visitation with your daughter during a placement. Regardless of whether it is voluntary or forced, so the same rules apply.

But by a voluntary placement perceive the municipality you as more cooperative, and just the concept of working of the municipality, with anbringelsessager. For the more cooperative the parents are, the more the municipality will perceive it as if you are ’into’. If you reverse ’oppose’ them, by retaining your right to not give consent, it can be seen as a struggle that must now be fought with a lawyer by your side.

I will say that if you don’t agree that your daughter should be placed, then you should not give consent, since it will bear the mark of being a voluntary tvangsanbringelse without legal assistance. So don’t be intimidated by the concept of coercion, but have proper support of the appointment of a lawyer, who can lead your case.


the Placement in step

for the municipality’s children and ungeudvalg. If they do not believe that your daughter is placed, she is not. If the municipality removes her anyway, violating the law. It happens very rarely.

provides the municipality is well founded, your daughter arranged by coercion. But it does not stop the process. Your lawyer will be able to present your case in Ankestyrelsen, and if it decides that your daughter does not need to be placed nevertheless, the municipality must comply. If Ankestyrelsen gives the municipality the appeal, your lawyer will bring the case to the district court.

the last stop. If they give the municipality and the appeals board upheld, the judicial process is over. Then apply it on to fight for more visitation, then you as a parent do not lose the relationship to its child.

the placement of a child or young person occurs on the basis of cooperation and agreement between the custody and the local authority.

talk about a young of 15 years, the young people also give consent for placement outside of the home.

be placed outside of the home without consent, if there is a manifest risk to the child or the young person’s health or development is suffering serious harm because of inadequate care or treatment, abuse, substance misuse problems, criminal behaviour or other severe social difficulties or behavioural or adjustment problems in the child or young person.